GIG at re:publica24 – Makerspace Sessions – Day 2

10:00 – 11:00
Smart Agri-Box

Speakers: ESSOH Cyrille, Koffi Dodji Honou
10:30 – 11:05
Digitizing to survive: a social technology for the revitalization of Amazonian languages

Speakers: Ana Vilacy Galucio
11:15 – 12:15 
The Gray Area between Programmers and Non-Programmers (Gamification in Education using Visual Programming for Robots Making) 

Speakers: Nawres Arif, Hasanain Fadhil, Ayat Alderi, Manar Alhuda Al Furaijie
12:30 – 13:30 
Found Objects: How to Transform Wood Waste into Valuable Materials and Products with the Open Source Design Tool

Speakers: Paola Zanchetta, Iñigo Puerta Uranga
12:30 – 13:30 
Scaling Grassroots Innovation 

Speakers: Jan Ertmann, Geraldine de Bastion, Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou
13:45 – 14:45 
Design your DIY Robot Learning Kit

Speakers: HfabLab, ESSOH Cyrille, Koffi Dodji Honou
15:00 – 16:00 
Caring for the Fish 

Speakers: Cristiano Tkralzy
15:00 – 16:00
From Pessimism to Promise: Lessons from the Global South on Designing Inclusive Tech

Speakers: Payal Arora
16:15 – 17:15 
Temporal Ecospheres – Fauna-inspirierte Wege aus der Zeitnot (ENG: Fauna-inspired ways out of time trouble)

Speakers: Simone Engelhardt, Johannes Wirz
16:15 – 17:15 
Understanding the Right-to-Repair Movement in the Global North and Global South

Speakers: Mathew Lubari, Ugo Vallauri, Geraldine de Bastion, Nadait Gebremedhen
17:30 – 18:30 
BrailleRap Bhutan – How we Replicated an Open Source Braille Printer and So Can You 

Speakers: Saad Chinoy, Felipe Schmidt Fonseca
18:45 – 20:45 
Be a Rainmaker – Assembly and Co-design Session for Open Source Solar Desalination

Speakers: LibreWater, Spyros Libre Water, Tom Dietel


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