GIG is the global network of social and tech innovators.

As an international network and NGO, we aim to create meaningful connections between innovators and positively impact the policies and frameworks for grassroots innovation.

  • GIG enables cooperation and international exchange between innovators and social innovation spaces to support their work and to share best practices.
  • GIG supports hub sustainability and peer-capacity development between members.

GIG aims to contribute to creating and using open, inclusive and sustainable technologies.

  • GIG supports the collaborative creation of sustainable development and open, fair and inclusive technologies.
  • GIG supports the international reach and adaption of sustainable, open technologies for ecological and social innovation, and
  • GIG promotes dialogue and fosters exchange on digital rights, inclusion and diversity

GIG supports research in innovation and development, digital rights and technology ecosystem questions carried out by local experts and international teams.

GIG aims to promote more sustainable and inclusive environments for technology development worldwide. GIG engages in policy dialogues and aims to support community members in lobbying their governments to create policy frameworks that foster innovation and grass-roots technology development.

GIG aims to represent members’ interests by acting as an interface between governments, donors and innovation spaces. GIG provides a connection and entry point for partners, encouraging an open dialogue around developing suitable programs and support structures.

Above all, GIG loves initiating and supporting collaborations between members and other partners!

Since 2017, GIG has been a non-profit organisation registered in Berlin, Germany.

Statutes: English Deutsch

Executive Board


Supervisory Board



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