Originally published at kairokoshary.com.
For the fifth year, the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) was held in Berlin, Germany. As with every year, it was tied to the infamous re:publica conference that takes place in early May. The conference focuses on internet & society, which ties perfectly to the booking innovation sector in what is called in development parlance, “The Global South”.
GIG fits perfectly into this context brining talent from around the world, including the southern hemisphere, to re:publica.
Here, the latest in amazing topics with regards to tech hubs, makerspaces, innovation, and entrepreneurship in countries from Brazil to the Philippines and many in between (actually this year had reps from 20 countries.)
From the rp website describing the annual makerspace setup on the floor of re:publica:
“… the GIG Makerspace is bringing you the best of 3D printing, laser cutting, soldering, wiring, moulding and building. 2017 is surely no exception. From fashiontech to custom-made DIY limbs to knitted generative patterns: have a look at our awesome demo, exhibition and workshop programme, this year hosted by Fab Lab Berlin and GIG. Now for the fourth time, the GIG Makerspace is the place at re:publica where people can come to tinker, experiment, create, learn and share knowledge. We love getting people involved in maker culture, from veterans to complete newbies. So whether you are an experienced maker or a N00b, come learn, code, build and geek out with us. We are happy to show you around!”
Find out more about the amazing spaces in this amazing global network here.
And this is a sample of the GIF King this year with the awesome Makerspace #LabMobile via Vicy of the GIG core team:
Oh yea, so at the end of the 10-day program, Kairo Koshary cooked for this wicked group of changemakers and wackos at the legendary hackerspace c-base because they’re simply awesome.
Also as a cofounder of a tech hub in Egypt called icecairo, a part of this network since its inception, it was only the basha thing to do. MR had attended every year in addition to serving serving as part of the core organizing team during last year’s #GIG16. We überall over that funktown.
Next year, we hope to serve FROM THE TRUCK during the next #GIG18 in addition to all of re:publica #rp18 at The Station! Look out for us.
We are Bashaz, we cook Koshary, we do not Forget (our recipe).
Check our website for catering if you are interested in tasting some of the most delicious leggar leggar food in Berlin! Or send an email for inquiries here: [email protected]
Bis Bald!