GIG #rp17 Closing Dinner at c-base

GIG #rp17 Closing Dinner at c-base

Originally published at For the fifth year, the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) was held in Berlin, Germany. ​As with every year, it was tied to the infamous re:publica conference that takes place in early May.  The conference focuses on internet & society, which ties perfectly to the booking innovation sector in what is called in development parlance, "The Global South". GIG fits perfectly into this context brining talent from around the world, including the southern hemisphere, to re:publica. Here, the latest in amazing topics with regards to tech hubs, makerspaces, innovation, and entrepreneurship in countries from Brazil to the Philippines and many in between (actually this year had reps from 20 countries.) From the rp website describing the annual makerspace setup on the floor of re:publica: "... the GIG Makerspace is bringing you the best of 3D printing, laser cutting, soldering, wiring, moulding and building. 2017 is surely no exception. From fashiontech to custom-made DIY limbs to knitted generative patterns: have a look at our awesome demo, exhibition and...
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