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Vuga William

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Adjumani, Uganda

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#ROSHOP House building prototype in pagriniya refugee settlement

Where is it located?

Adjumani District ( pagriniya refugee settlement )

About it

Mission, To mobilize and support young people and the host community through skills training, culture transformation and information sharing through open-source technology. Our vision is to transfer empower and skill refugee and host communities of Adjumani with young people who are self-reliant and resilient

One Project Showcase

Name one of your projects to showcase

Pagriniya Satellite

About the project

The Pagriniya Satelite house prototype is a sustainable ICT-enhanced social network workspace aligned with The Youth Empowerment Foundation. It brings all youths from different ethnic affiliations in Pagriniya, Uganda and neighbouring South Sundanese refugee settlements together. The space aims to engage its community in tech innovation, media and information literacy, career inspiration and life skills through online collaboration.


The overall aim is to strengthen the activities of The Youth Empowerment Foundation in the region for collective social mobilization to empower the youth to embrace active participation in peace-building, non-violence and reconciliation dialogues through social media.


The space has hosted a Digital Tech Boot Camp, a training opportunity for young people with basic computer knowledge to learn programming languages and build products to solve local challenges. Young people also delve into the functionalities of knowledge sharing, e.gapplications like GitHub and building websites for information sharing.

A project's photo

Yet another photo

Video from the project