Young Innovators & Migration

“Young Innovators: Using Digital Media to Inform about Regular and Irregular Migration Issues” is a six month pilot project GIG is conducting with Kumasi Hive and Impact Hub Accra in partnership with Wikimedia Ghana User Group that aims at improving the information base on migration and travel.

The project kicks off with a research phase that includes interviews with the target audience to identify common information needs regarding business and knowledge exchange related travel as well as the challenges encountered during visa processes. The research phase is followed by two editathons events during which young professionals receive a training on creating and updating Wikipedia articles in collaboration with experts that provide inputs on the topic. Through outreach covering various channels these contents will be distributed. A roundtable discussion with embassy staff and other relevant stakeholders provides further inputs for a white paper summarising our findings that will be shared at the conclusion of the project.

While we’re also aiming to inform young people about the risks of irregular migration, we are mainly focusing on the needs of young professionals and experts that want to travel to Germany (or Europe).

Event Dates

  • November 8th 2019 – Editathon @Kumasi Hive
  • November 16th 2019 – Editathon @Impact Hub Accra
  • November 25th 2019 – Roundtable @Impact Hub Accra

Project Partners

This project is conducted with the support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.


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