GIG supports TOLOCAR connecting with Ukrainian makers


GIG is supporting makers in Ukraine by connecting them with makers from the GIG network, a unique global network of social and technology innovators with around 150 members from over 40 countries, facilitating exchange and co-creating open hardware projects for local needs.

Being a dynamic, diverse community of innovation hubs, makerspaces, hackerspaces and other grassroots innovation communities, as well as individual innovators, makers, technologists and innovators, connecting amazing interactions between our members and the Ukrainian makers! The Tolocar project was created to support makers in Ukraine in an extremely difficult situation. It provides Ukrainian makers with access to international maker communities and creates a sustainable exchange network between Ukrainian and international producers.

To support and strengthen Ukraine’s industries, partners from around the world have come together to implement various projects on reconstruction and rehabilitation, open production, knowledge transfer and innovation.

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Tolocar Resources on Appropedia

Big Pellet (Recycled Plastic 3D Printer)
Water Filtration System
Re-Birth Bricks in Action
3D Printed Smart-House Model
WeArm Prosthetic

Community meetings

The Tolocar project is implemented on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in close cooperation with the following Ukrainian and international partners: Creative Rural Hub, МетаЛаб, Інша Освіта, Платформа Острів, БУР, Maker Hub and CADUS. The project is managed by the Hamburger Institut für Wertschöpfungssystematik und Wissensmanagement (HIWW).

Support GIG for Innovative Community Rebuilding in Areas Affected by Conflict

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