Sailing on Knowledge Waves

In 2014, Nave à Vela – a start-up co-founded by GIG member Miguel Chaves in Brazil – has the purpose of, in partnership with schools, building a more meaningful education, promoting increasingly innovative teaching, and respecting the particularities and reality of each school. The mission is to transform schools into places where students’ creativity and curiosity awake. They develop activities encouraging them to build knowledge through practices, projects and even life purposes.

The Curricular Base for Innovation Culture: a methodology fostering student’s development.

Nave à Vela (NAV) respects the needs of each school and its particularities. For this reason, it developed an adaptable methodology to fit each school’s needs: the Curricular Base for a Culture of Innovation. Designed for kindergarten, elementary school and high school students, it promotes maker learning, in which the student learns by building toys and prototypes and authoring projects. In this process, he starts to have a more exploratory relationship with knowledge and, thus, develops his autonomy.

By becoming a NAV partner, a school has access to a package of services to help it develop a culture of innovation:

  • Consultancy for the Maker Space: definition of the inventory, furniture and architectural design.
  • Alignment with pedagogical management: Understanding the school context and co-creating the pedagogical plan.
  • Training of educators: Initial and continued training for appropriation and methodological deepening.
  • Constant attendance: Monitoring of the maker educator and support in project management.
  • Marketing support: tools, materials and support to communicate the maker project to families.

In addition to teaching materials for Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Education. Learn more about them:

Gadgets Collection

For 3 to 5-year-olds (Kindergarten): three books with four stories each, which address issues related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals; Creative Kit, with templates of toys to be built or customised by students; Teacher support materials, which address the pedagogical concepts of the collection and the goals of each story; Application for families, allowing a pedagogical content in meaningful moments between family and child.

BENEFITS FOR THE STUDENT: Integral development through storytelling and play; Contemporary issues addressed from the perspective and reality of the child Interaction with different languages through a digital experience; Expansion of the knowledge repertoire, learning new ways of expressing oneself.

BENEFITS FOR THE SCHOOL: Greater flexibility with learning beyond the classroom; Programming of content made by the school following the pedagogical plan; Monitoring of development and engagement of children; Greater involvement of the family in the child’s learning process.

The Innovator’s Guide to the Galaxy

For 6 to 10-year-olds (Elementary School): Textbook with challenges for the student to learn in practice; Kit with mountable for practice sessions and log-cards with the year’s learning; Material for the maker educator to conduct classes and take ownership of the teaching; Digital platform, to promote hybrid learning for the student.

BENEFITS FOR THE STUDENT: Technological literacy and development of competencies playfully and engagingly; Encouragement of autonomy with hands-on activities inside and outside the classroom; Expansion of the knowledge repertoire with curiosities about the topic; Stimulus to communication in several media

BENEFITS FOR THE SCHOOL: Significant learning connected to the national curriculum; Organisation of the lesson day in the digital version to facilitate application by teachers; Hybrid learning with greater flexibility for the school; Activities that allow interdisciplinarity.

Maker Mission Collection

For 11 to 14-years-old (Elementary School): Textbooks covering six maker themes in all years, with increasing levels of complexity; Kit with assemblies for maker learning; Book of projects covering the school years; Digital platform for the promotion of hybrid learning for the student.

BENEFITS FOR THE STUDENT: Stimulus to the student’s protagonism in his learning process; Exploration in the practice of digital culture; Encouragement of autonomy in the construction of authorial projects with current themes; Learning beyond the content, with a focus on his development

BENEFITS FOR THE SCHOOL: Organization of classes in a way that best fits the teacher’s planning; Curricular links with the BNCC present in the hands-on activities; Teaching material focused on the teacher, but with a language focused on the student Maker as a bridge to interdisciplinarity.

Take Off Your Ideas Collection

For 15 to 17-year-olds (High School): 100% digital book with multimedia resources. Design Thinking and Design Sprint approach. Modular themes can fit within the year without compromising student learning—digital activity, with quizzes, videos and exclusive content on the web platform.

BENEFITS FOR THE STUDENT: Encouragement of the student’s protagonism in his learning process; Exploration in the practice of digital culture; Encouragement of autonomy in the construction of authorial projects with current themes; Learning beyond the content, focusing on his development.

BENEFITS FOR THE SCHOOL: Contemporary and practical teaching model, which meets the guidelines for national education and aligns with the school; Thematic modules with classes that present practical challenges and integrate different technologies.

The products are available on the online shopping platform. In addition, Nav à Vela offers an online platform for teachers and facilitators from partner schools to access pedagogical content, such as lesson plans, activity journeys, support materials, prototyping models, etc. It also provides content focused on training, such as technological literacy, maker learning, and active methodologies. Also, on the platform, students can access it to take digital classes, allowing their families to monitor their progress; educators can prepare and report on their courses, and managers can watch the entire NAV project at school. Finally, NAV offers school marketing support, providing communication pieces to download and customise with your school’s logo. The available materials communicate the Maker proposal and explain the importance of developing a Culture of Innovation in the school environment.

Learn more about the initiative at


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