GIG would like to invite you to ‘The Forum Open: Hardware #FOH23’ happening on March 13, 2023 in Berlin.
The “circular society/ economy ‘ and the right to repair are seen as paths to a sustainable future. But how do we get there? What role do civil society and open technology design play in this? We would like to pose these questions and attempt to answer them at #FOH23.
Our founder, Geraldine de Bastion will be leading a workshop as part of the International Knowledge Transfer track. You can find a preliminary program below.
We are happy to have you there! If you want to be kept up to date and for registration go on the link below, you can also reply to this email and I can help.
Innovation Global Exhibition will also be physically present where you can learn about GIG’s makers and designers in Brazil, South Sudan or Nepal and more.
Part 1 – Thematic workshops
Networking and exchange on needs and recommendations for action
12:30 Admission
13:00 Opening and presentation of the thematic workshops
13:20 Start of the workshops
Circular economy with open technologies – with Lars Zimmermann
International knowledge transfer – with Geraldine de Bastion
Open Science Hardware – with Bonny Brandenburger
14:50 Break
Part 2 – ways and means
Impulses and discourses from practice and politics
15:30 Welcome
15:50 How do open infrastructures help civil society? – with Peter Troxler
Superheated steam for mobile kitchens
Low-threshold production of circuit boards with Laser4DIY
Researching and producing mushrooms through the OpenMycoLab
16:55 Break
17:10 Generate, recycle and save resources with Open Hardware
Energy generation with Windkit
Clean water through LibreWater
Liberalizing textile production with HILO
18:15 Break
18:45 Closing panel, with Katarina Peranić, Melanie Jaeger-Erben, Lars Zimmermann and others – moderated by Caroline Paulick-Thiel.
With open technologies and an active civilian population towards a sustainable society?