Building the Africa Open Science Hardware community

Our GIG colleagues Vicy, Jaiksana, Stephen and Jo made their way to Kumasi, Ghana to attend the very first Open Science Hardware summit in Africa: AfircaOSH. The event is being hosted at Kumasi...
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Join the global alliance of makers and local manufacturers

In 2016, several GIG members came together to launch the MakerNet Consortium. Starting with a pilot project in Kenya, MakerNet explored how products needed for development and humanitarian purposes can...
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datalabe logo

A laboratory of data and narratives in the favela

data_labe is becoming an independent NGO. The lab, wich is part of GIG, is understanding how to be a civil and tech organization at the delicate moment for favela’s dwellers...
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Building a living, collaborative Atlas of innovation spaces worldwide

Thanks to a GIG meeting during re:publica 2016, Chinmayi SK and I met some folks from giz who funded the development of our Atlas of Innovation Spaces. With some mapping...
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#ThinkB4UClick to #defyhatenow on social media

#ThinkB4UClick (Think Before You Click) is an awareness campaign that aims at pointing out the dangers of misinformation, fake news and hate speech with a focus on South Sudan. Over...
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Digitologias Belo Jardim

Co-creating urban water information systems

Digitologias Belo Jardim A 3-months conference (Oct 27 – Dec 19, 2017) in Belo Jardim, Northeast Brazil had the aim to collect and manage water and sanitation data on the city of Belo Jardim...
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Human-Centered Design in Nepal

Nepal Communitere held a 2 day Human-Centered Design masterclass for our new I-Cube business incubation program cohort of young Nepali entrepreneurs on Dec. 19th & 20th. The launch and HCD workshop was...
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GIG at ifa Design Exhibition “Pure Gold – Upcycled! Upgraded!”

Samer Shawar and Marios Mouratidis did a Junk Drawbots Workshop and Victoria Wenzelmann gave an introductory talk on GIG at the Design Exhibition Pure Gold – Upcycled! Upgraded! The exhibition was opened in...
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I-Cube presents Human-Centered Design in Nepal

Nepal Communitere held a 2 day Human-Centered Design masterclass for our new I-Cube business incubation program cohort of young Nepali entrepreneurs on Dec. 19th & 20th, 2017. The launch and HCD workshop...
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ColaborAmerica 2017

We finished 2017 with the first GIG meeting in Latin America. The gathering happened at ColaborAmerica, one of the biggest festivals in new economies in the continent, that took place...
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Nave à Vela, Brazil

In 2014, in order to find a sustainable business model for their Innovation Center in the favela Vila Nova Esperança, Caos Focado started a course to teach Social Innovation with a...
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Meet the new headquarters of LABxS (Lab Santista) Procomum Institute, one of our GIG associates in Brazil, present the headquarters of LABxS, Lab Santista, the citizen laboratory that is being implemented by them and that...
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