GIG@re:connecting Europe 2017

In 2017 the re:publica team came up with an ambitious project to take the idea of re:publica further: Activists, scientists, hackers, entrepreneurs, NGOs, journalists, social media and marketing experts gathered in...
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The South Sudan Open Knowledge and Innovation Hub “OPEN HARDWARE GUIDE” #OHG Following up on the 2016 “Let’s Go jHUB” programme, in collaboration with icebauhaus e.V. (Weimar, Germany), KAPITAL (Juba...
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Call for support to humanitarian makers

Cyclones in the Caribbean. Earthquakes in Mexico. Floods in Nepal & India. Refugee crisis in Bangladesh. Cholera in Yemen. Crisis in Syria. Near-famine around Lake Chad Basin and South Sudan...
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PitchDrive in Berlin: A visit from Africa’s top 14 Startups

Africa is at the start of a technological renaissance. Last year, it was estimated that African startups raised a record-breaking total of $366.8 million in investment, with the top 10...
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Wearable technology for empowerment

GIG member Rebeca Duque Estrada is a co-founder of Olabi Makerspace in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and gave a presentation on tech wearables at the TEDx IE Madrid this June. Rebeca takes...
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PitchDriveXYZ – Presenting the 14 top Start-ups from Africa

PitchDrive by CcHUB, powered by Google for Entrepreneurs, will engage 14 of Africa’s top tech start-ups on a tour of tech hubs in Europe (London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Zurich and Paris)...
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Future Coders Rwanda

GIG member Aphrodice Foyo Mutangana is the general manager at kLab Rwanda. In a recent Medium article he explains the importance and impact of ICT for children and youth. Coding at a...
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GIG @ OuiShare in Paris

At the think and be-tank for a collaborative society Ouishare we had an all GIG panel, reunited to discuss and share ideas and projects on grassroots collaboration for improving our...
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GIG members as graphic novel characters

Two Global Innovation Gathering members were announced as cameos in an upcoming graphic novel about hacker and maker movement – Glider Ink. Samer Shawar from Palestinian VecBox and Nawres Arif...
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#Labmobile on tour to Greece

Our sparkling Big Blue #Labmobile is on it’s way to Greece together with a fabulous team: its creator Vicy, Communitere and FabLab Siegen. Follow @labmobil   Wrapping up Berlin Maker Faire, Big...
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‘STARTUPS OF ALEX’ is calling all startups in Alexandria, Egypt

STARTUPS OF ALEX is the 1st Alexandrian incubator launched by icealex and funded by the Academy for Scientific Research and Technology under the program of “Intilac National Incubators”. Startups of...
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GIG #rp17 Closing Dinner at c-base

Originally published at For the fifth year, the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) was held in Berlin, Germany. ​As with every year, it was tied to the infamous re:publica conference that takes...
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