The South Sudan Open Knowledge and Innovation Hub “OPEN HARDWARE GUIDE” #OHG

Following up on the 2016 “Let’s Go jHUB” programme, in collaboration with icebauhaus e.V. (Weimar, Germany), KAPITAL (Juba, South Sudan) and r0g_agency for open culture gGmbH (Berlin, Germany), the OPEN HARDWARE GUIDE (#OHG) is an outcome of the Open Tech and Repair Skills workshop hosted by Hive Colab in Kampala and the Panyadoli Self-Help Secondary School in Bweyale, Uganda. As a follow-up to the first Open Learning Guide (#OLG) the Open Hardware Guide gives examples of hands-on skills possibilities and projects applying open hardware methodologies. Acting as an introduction to resources and as a tangible tool in the form of a rugged A1 poster for trainers, tinkerers and facilitators, the #OHG is ready for distribution to anyone interested in exploring open technologies in a very practical way. The #OHG content was developed by the workshop participants based on their designs and documented steps, and accompanied the development of the #ASKotek ‘Access to Skills and Knowledge – open tech emergency kit’ a field-trainers resource tool-kit for repairing, building and learning about practical electronics including small scale solar power.

Let’s Go jHUB (#LGJ) was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through its programme of “Support for Media, Access to Information and Freedom of Expression”. Given the violence that broke out in Juba, South Sudan’s capital, in the summer of 2016, the programme was implemented through the generous support and cooperation of GIG partner organisations iceaddis in Addis Ababa, Ethipia, mLAB and iHUB in Nairobi, Kenya, kLAB in Kigali, Rwanda and Hive Colab in Kampala, Uganda.

Download: Open Hardware Guide v.1 (Licence: CC-BY-SA 4.0)

#OHG – #ASKotek – #LGJ – #openculture
r0g_agency website:
Twitter: @intertwilight


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