Life Sensor Makeathon

Creating Open Source Hardware in Healthcare is the hands-on making part at DOTS. With the Careables project – an EU Horizon2020 funded platform initiative to connect patients, healthcare professionals and makers, GIG supports global knowledge exchange on assistive tech and health tech.  Cadus, a charitable and independent aid organisation, initiates innovative and sustainable projects focussing on need-based capacity building to help people help themselves. One of the latest inventions is the Life Sensor, a repairable patient monitoring device. A first prototype is currently being finished after 2 years of development.

At DOTS, we want to show the Life Sensor to GIG members, check it’s preparedness for local use cases, try the reproduceability and work on the next iteration of the prototype: a custom circuit board that reducing the size and the error-proneness of the unit while keeping the parts modular.  


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