If CityLAB were a human being, this exhibition would probably be the heart!
This is where everything comes together: completed projects and current ideas, as well as things that inspire us or stimulate us to engage in reflection.
That’s why we’re thrilled to invite you to LABissage on February 23, 2023, from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., where all are free to browse through the exhibition – now expanded to include four new exhibits! The artists as well as CityLAB staff will be on site to discuss the exhibits on display as well as our work at the lab.
The LABissage will feature more than just our interactive exhibition for you to explore: it will also feature the final presentation of the exhibition Let’s get physical by Weißensee Academy of Art; this project will be on display at CtiyLAB from February 16 – 23. For anyone already interested in a sneak preview of our new exhibits, you’ll find further details here.
We’d also very much appreciate it if you could sign up in advance.