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Julia Kleeberger

Contact e-mail

[email protected]

Your location

Berlin, Germany



Organisation or Initiative

mycelia gGmbH | Junge Tüftler gGmbH

Where is it located?

Berlin – Germany

About it

About mycelia education 

“Education is the strongest superpower to change the world” At we work on tools and solutions for equal opportunities for lifelong learning. 

To this end, we work in two main fields:

  • Skill-Based Opportunities: With the help of Open Educational Badges (OEB) you can document your personal skills and share them. No matter where the learning takes place. 

  • Transformative learning: Make – learn – reflect. Only when we translate what we have learnt into action does it unfold its full impact. To achieve this, we rely on playful and action-based learning.


Learning is a lifelong journey. We are her to make it your best trip ever.

About Junge Tüftler

What should children learn in order to lead a successful life and find answers to the great challenges of our time? Our answer: creativity. Unfortunately, the formal education system only offers a few children the opportunity to develop their individual potential. That is why we empower people with digital tools to actively and sustainably shape the world.