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Pradita Pradhan

Your location

Kathmandu 44600, Nepal



Organisation or Initiative

I'm working as a Program Manager at Field Ready Nepal and at the same time co-leading the very first Fablab in Nepal. There are various projects moving parelley

Where is it located?

It is located in Pulchowk, Nepal.

About it

Field Ready is a humanitarian organization with a strategic objective to build the capacity of local organizations to be able to respond to humanitarian crises by making relief items locally using digital fabrication and more traditional manufacturing processes which would result in localized responses that would then be faster, better and cheaper than that of foresay  import of relief items. In partnership with Field Ready and Impact Hub Kathmandu, Fablab Nepal was launched at the Hub in February 2020 in collaboration with FieldReady. It is a collaborative center for innovation, invention, education and humanitarian outreach and a fully equipped digital fabrication workshop. It provides access to knowledge, tools, and resources that bring ideas from heads to hands and champions ‘making’ as a means of empowering the people of Nepal regardless of their gender, social status, ability or economic means



One Project Showcase

Name one of your projects to showcase

Fab Lab Nepal

About the project

Fab Lab Nepal is a collaborative centre for innovation, invention, education and humanitarian outreach. As stated, we run projects that create and provide an environment for individuals to work on their ideas freely. Many remarkable projects are running out of the lab, focusing on graduate student entrepreneurs and community government schools around STEAM projects.

Most of the projects running out of Fablab are about capacity building and one to be particular is ‘Skill enhancement in design and fabrication in Nepal FabLab’ funded by Dassault Systems. This project is developed as an in-depth training curriculum to provide practical experience and knowledge on digital fabrication, rapid prototyping and 3D design in 6 weeks. Participants transform their ideas into 2D and 3D designs and prototype them using digital fabrication tools such as 3D printers, CNC routers, and laser cutters.
In 6 weeks, the students considered Human Centered Design to build their prototypes.

This project made us realize the importance of creating an environment to learn by doing and how being open to making mistakes can help us know more. The participants were grouped, and each group worked on different product ideas in which they also learnt about teamwork.

A project's photo