DreamSpace Academy won the Falling Walls Science Engagement Award

On Friday last week, DreamSpace Academy won the Falling Walls Science Engagement award of the year, among 81 applications from 44 countries. Falling Walls Engage is one of the largest international...
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the logo of dots. the impact summit

DOTS – Impact Summit: It’s happening!

This year we gather in Nakuru, Kenya from the 5th until the 7th of December with four collaborative tracks! From Digital Detox to Open Science for Peacebuilding, through concrete projects...
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Plastic for Good

At re:publica 2019, GIG member Nidhi Mittal from India was nominated to participate in the Plastic For Good challenge organized by Distributed Design Market Platform, co-funded by Creative Europe to...
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Digitally Speaking

Digitally Speaking, the Wearable tech project for the safety of Women by Nidhi Mittal and Avik Dhupar was selected as one of the top 14 creative projects in the Distributed...
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The Optics of the Commons

“The commons is what gives meaning to our existence” Kum’tum Akroá-Gamella, from the Akroá-Gamella people, state of Maranhão, northeast of Brazil. We believe that the commons, in its multiple perspectives...
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Climate Laboratory in Baixada Santista

The LABxS promoted on the Global Climate Strike week a laboratory of ideas and technologies to address climate change in the Baixada Santista region in the bay area of São...
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Upcoming: Tech for Good Hackathon in Singapore

30 teams of young minds will take on problem statements in an attempt to prototype solutions for recognition and visibility aside from just doing good. Exemplary teams will showcase proposed...
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Ideas in Motion

GIG founder Geraldine de Bastion and Annemarie Botzki, Co-Founder/CEO at Rocsun, write about innovations, open technologies and ideas like a climate solutions network as part of their reflections for the...
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An Update on ‘Reimagine Open’

Several GIG members supported Mozilla‘s Reimagine Open project by hosting Focus Groups in their hubs. Reposted from Mozilla: https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/blog/update-reimagining-open/ In March 2019, Mozilla started its project Reimagine Open to revisit the...
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Contemplating the Climate Crisis in a Global Network

In the past weeks we have been bombarded with reports about melting arctic ice or forests burning in Brazil – climate change is felt around the world. This week, September...
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i4Policy Task Force Meeting

After the convention of hubs organized last year by i4Policy, during which innovation community leaders from across Africa co-created the Africa Innovation Policy Manifesto, the first meeting of the Africa...
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Meeting your neighborhood friends, activists and makers – open:fora at r0g Agency

Together with Open Source Ecology Germany e.V., and with the support of the Guerrilla Foundation and GIGgers in Berlin we from r0g Agency held our first open:fora ‘street meet’...
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