Upcoming: Tech for Good Hackathon in Singapore

30 teams of young minds will take on problem statements in an attempt to prototype solutions for recognition and visibility aside from just doing good.

Exemplary teams will showcase proposed solutions at the Tech For Good showcase and festival on 2nd of November in sunny Singapore.

The festival will showcase team prototypes along with volunteer welfare organization partner organizations and beneficiaries, with a central hands-on event Makerspace (GiG@republica style) where EG will conduct hack-a-toy workshops along with others.

Tech for Good is an innovation challenge for passionate and creative youths, 15-25 years old, to develop innovative solutions that will benefit persons with disabilities and their families/care-givers.

The challenge runs from August until November where participants develop solutions through an iterative process of design thinking, culminating in a public festival of prototype showcase and workshops for PWDs.

EngineeringGood is a volunteer driven charity that needs your support to continue bringing innovative low-cost accessible tech solutions and STEM-oriented hands-on hacking workshops to caregivers and persons with disabilities.

You can find the facebook event here. We invite you to follow EngineeringGood on Facebook and Instagram, sign up on our website for updates and calls for volunteers via our mailing list. Also if you haven’t already, we invite you to support us with a donation!


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