GIG @ Communities & Technologies

This year’s C&T took place in Vienna from June 3rd till June 7th, and many GIG members participated in various roles...
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Field Ready launches a new makerspace in Iraq!

This month GIG member Field Ready announced the launch of a brand-new makerspace in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq! Field Ready: Erbil Makerspace will form part of a growing network...
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Calculative Making: The Fear of Failure in Kenya’s Makerspaces

When I first entered a makerspace in Nairobi in 2016, I was surprised that most people were sitting in front of their computers. My imagination of a messy makerspace where...
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A Colaboradora: Fostering creativity and collaboration through the principles of self-management, care and social currency

Last April Procomum Institute launched the new edition of the A Colaboradora (The Collaborator) programme. The Collaborator is a collaborative platform that brings together a collective work environment and a...
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Edukits: Merging 3D Printing and Education

‘Education is the most powerful tool that can be used to change the world’ — Nelson Mandela The Bridge the Gap training program is an ongoing initiative that was started by Kumasi...
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Visiting the Cricket World Cup with 13 young cricketers from Khayelitsha,Cape Town

Part of my work is with the Gary Kirsten Foundation, a non-profit Sports Foundation which works in Khayelitsha, the largest township in Cape Town and one of its poorest areas...
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African Digital Economy

Ampion and Plutos Ventures launch new venture for Africa-focused start-ups Focus of the new venture – on site development of digital business models Call for Applications from founders and start-ups...
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Digital, transparent and self-determined: development cooperation can do more

An outdated self-understanding prevents Europe from working with developing countries towards a common digital future. Europe, the fortress that everyone wants to storm. A Europe whose values and economy must...
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Malian in Diaspora of the Year 2018

On January 26, Youssouf Simbo Diakite, founder and CEO at African Diaspora Youth Forum in Europe (ADYFE) was awarded the Mali Entrepreneurship and Engagement Award in the category Malian in...
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4 years #defyhatenow

Over the past four years #defyhatenow and its partners has strengthened the voices of civil society actors and helped building capacities to mitigate hate speech amongst South Sudanese civil society...
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Is Peace a Commons?

Instituto Procomum launches a magazine with reports and reflections about the role of citizen innovation labs for peace, based on concrete experiences in post-conflict Colombia. Between February 13th and 25th...
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Low Tech Humanitarian Innovation Project in Greece (planning phase)

I am planning a humanitarian innovation project in Greece with Field Ready and Soup & Socks (Habibi Workspace) starting in July. I am looking for contacts, networking opportunities, funding prospects...
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