Gosanitize! Go Girls ICT (South Sudan)’s response to Covid 19

Gosanitize! Go Girls ICT (South Sudan)’s response to Covid 19

South Sudan is a country that depends entirely on imports from its neighboring countries and during the pandemic, products such as hand sanitizers became more expensive as their demand was high and not affordable to the common person in the community. GoGirls inspiration to research and come up with a hand sanitizer called Gosanitize from locally sourced resources within South Sudan was because of the above challenges. Ten female local brewers were trained to make highly concentrated alcohol (Ethanol) for use in the hand sanitizer. To achieve this, GoGirls ICT Initiative team together with chemistry experts, had a peer-to-peer virtual mentorship exchange with Bibliothèque-MboaLab, Cameroon. But alas! A hurdle. To enable this project to succeed, they needed to overcome a major hurdle: religious beliefs and the extent to which women who make alcohol are viewed as contributors to the prevalence of hooliganism in the society. Not to be associated with a bad name in their society that taints their religious beliefs, some...
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Careables Moving Exhibition Beta Edition at Olinda, Northeast Brazil.

Careables Moving Exhibition Beta Edition at Olinda, Northeast Brazil.

Careables Moving Exhibition is moving from Berlin to land next in Olinda, Northeast Brazil. After an inspiring first experience at Re:publica Campus, next stop for Careables Moving Exhibition is  Polyclinic Hospital João de Barros Barreto and Casa Criatura Lab. The exhibition will present the careables created, adapted and co-designed covering worldwide replicated prototypes by Casa Criatura during the year of 2020. From different models of face shields and aerosol boxes against Covid-19 to open source stadiometers hardware and software; Hyperactive Stool, and Glifo pen holder. The exhibition aims at broadening people’s perspective on digital manufacturing and collaborative production as critical aspects of the care for the others and oneself. This is the first time where Careables exhibition happens in a Public Hospital fighting contagious infections, like dengue fever, measles and covid-19, while also being a support centre for people with disabilities. Time frame of Exhibition: 17th-27th November First week: the exhibition will be hosted by the Polyclinic Hospital João de Barros Barreto. Second week: the exhibition will...
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Humanitarian Congress Berlin 2020: Exposing Power & Privilege in Times of Crisis

Humanitarian Congress Berlin 2020: Exposing Power & Privilege in Times of Crisis

From the announcement: On behalf of Médecins Du Monde, the German Red Cross, the Berlin Chamber of Physicians and Médecins Sans Frontières, as well as our official partners Greenpeace and Oxfam we would like to invite you to this year’s Humanitarian Congress Berlin: Exposing Power & Privilege in Times of Crisis. When we titled the 2019 Humanitarian Congress Berlin – A Perfect Storm – we did not expect that The Perfect Storm was in fact still ahead of us. Early this year we took the difficult decision not to run the Humanitarian Congress in Berlin as originally planned. Regardless of whether the event could technically take place in Berlin, we knew that we would not be able to make sure the diverse speakers and participants we were planning to invite, would be able to travel to Berlin. Communities and humanitarian actors are facing multiple challenges in responding to the global Covid19 outbreak in addition to balancing the response to pre-existing crises. We...
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Who controls the data? Perspectives on digital sovereignty from the Global South

Who controls the data? Perspectives on digital sovereignty from the Global South

The Heinrich Boell Foundation Washington, DC and Konnektiv would like to invite you to an online discussion on perspectives on digital sovereignty in the Global South. Digital technologies are instrumental for global exchange and connectivity – nothing illustrates this better than the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet there is fierce competition over who gets to reap the benefits of cross-border data flows. The United States and China are in a process of decoupling their digital spheres while the European Union is asserting its digital sovereignty by launching Gaia-X, the European cloud. Countries in the Global South often find themselves on the sidelines of global debates over digital governance. In this event, Geraldine de Bastion will introduce her new paper “Data and the Global South,” which gives an overview of key issues for inclusive digital development. The panel will then discuss how societies in low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America can access the data they produce and put them to good...
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