Meet the Members is a come together where new members introduce themselves to the Network, and older members also get to introduce themselves and exchange knowledge and experiences. It is […]
Emilio Velis, serving as the executive director of the Appropedia Foundation, brings a wealth of expertise in sustainability and international development. His work encompasses various facets of the open movement […]
The History of Global Innovation Gathering Ten years ago, Global Innovation Gathering was driven by different points of inspiration, leading it to what it is today. Physical spaces designed to […]
Crisis response refers to the actions and measures taken to address and mitigate the impact of a crisis or emergency situation. It involves a coordinated effort by individuals, organizations, and […]
Impact Hub Kathmandu is an open, inclusive and collaborative space designed to give social innovators, entrepreneurs and change-makers somewhere to meet, work, network and learn. They provide a friendly open […]
South Sudan is a country that depends entirely on imports from its neighboring countries and during the pandemic, products such as hand sanitizers became more expensive as their demand was […]
Young people between the ages of 18 and 30 in Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement and surrounding communities in northern Uganda face many problems, two of which GIG and Platform Africa […]
Re:publica Sessions GIG – DDMP We are excited to announce that this year the Global Innovation Gathering will be hosting a pre-publica programme on May 20th together with the Distributed […]
In May of this year, Olabi held the second edition of “Aprenda com uma avó”. The project was created in 2020 to be exclusively face-to-face, but its activities were adapted […]