Scaling and strengthening existing networks

mAkE builds on active networks of makerspaces, it strengthens existing pan-African connections between FabLabs, open science and hardware spaces. mAkE brings together the best of both continents to benefit the people who use makerspaces, to learn from each other, to collaborate on vital enabling infrastructures.

Makerspaces as Digital Innovation Hubs for local smart production in Africa

mAkE is a project which takes a transdiciplinary approach to connect European and African Digital Innovation Hubs to maximise their potential as spaces for digital innovation, skill building, job creation and contact points for global collaboration networks.

About the project:

mAkE is an EU-funded project, which promotes cooperation and strategic partnership with countries in Africa to support the strengthening of existing digital innovation hubs (DIHs) in Africa and Europe. Its overall aim is to facilitate the collaboration between EU and African DIHs to strengthen a common EU-Africa innovation and start-up ecosystem. Coordinated by the Global Innovation Gathering, mAkE is governed by a consortium of 9 organizations and will organise capacity-building activities to equip African makerspaces and their attached local SMEs and digital start-ups, and offer incubation, mentoring and matching activities to drive digital transformation.

Find out more on the recently launched website!


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