
mAkE is a project focusing on makerspaces as key drivers for local digital innovation in Africa and establishing mutual relationships and sustainable networks with European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs).

The Challenge

The challenge of mAkE is to strengthen existing networks of makerspaces as key drivers for local digital innovation in Africa and establish mutual and sustainable networks with European DIHs. The goal is to equip African and European hardware DIHs and their members with the relevant skills, infrastructure and regulations in order to support local businesses and start-ups in implementing local digital innovations.

Our Solution

By providing makerspaces, entrepreneurial makers, SME and start-ups with educational resources, access to networks and new open standards and tools, mAkE enables DIHs build equitable businesses, train their members in employment relevant digital skills, offer their machines and services creating new revenue streams and networks of local, smart production, as well as foster cooperation between European and African DIHs and other relevant stakeholders.

Maker expertise shared during a workshop in the I.O.Me Innovation Labs, a humanitarian fabrication lab in Kenya and one of the sites currently testing the People and Skills Specification.
Maker expertise shared during a workshop in the I.O.Me Innovation Labs, a humanitarian fabrication lab in Kenya and one of the sites currently testing the People and Skills Specification.

The Project

mAkE is a transdisciplinary project from EU and Africa that will enable Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), specifically makerspaces, to maximize their potential as spaces for digital innovation, skill building, job creation and contact points for global collaboration networks. mAkE will address key issues from financial stability, enabling policies and to skill building and technical capacity development for makerspaces in order for them to become key connectors for local smart production, creating economies of scope and sustainable contributions to the digitization of different sectors and communities in Africa and Europe.

Who is it for?

The wider networks of mAkE represents the largest network of makerspaces in the world and includes hundreds of makerspaces and grassroot or community DIHs around the world. Target audiences in African and European countries will be the core target group, but also be on a global scale due to the global reach of the consortium member networks. Among the mAkE audience we will have general public, makers, designers and engineers, private corporations and industry, investors and funders, policy makers, scientists and researchers, press, citizens (potential, future members of the DIH community), makerspace, Fab Lab, DIH leaders, schools, scientists and researchers, entrepreneurs, private corporations, industry, local government.

mAkE resources

Discover the projects’ outputs within the mAkE ecosystem, such as the Venture Building Handbook, the Business Models Catalogue, or the Open Makerspace Toolkit or the Policy Agenda for makerspaces.


Type of Project

Innovation Action for Industrial Leadership in information and communication technologies funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under Grant Agreement 101016858.


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