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re:publica Accra

Accra , Ghana

For several years, delegates have been coming from all over Africa to re:publica in Berlin to discuss internet politics and digital rights, economic and cultural developments and new technologies. Now […]

35C3 – 35th Chaos Communication Congress

Leipzig , Germany

The Chaos Communication Congress is the Chaos Computer Club’s (CCC) annual symposium and hacker party. During four days between Christmas and New Years Eve, thousands of hackers, technology freaks, artists, […]

German African Entrepreneurship Summit

Accra , Ghana

The German African Entrepreneurship Summit (GAES) will bring together 150 representatives of the Pan-African entrepreneurship ecosystem to learn from each other and leverage on their experiences and creativity to re-evaluate […]

Beirut Mini Maker Faire 2019

Beirut Beirut, Lebanon

Are you a Maker? Lebanon's first Maker Faire is coming to Beirut in 2019! Beirut Mini Maker Faire is calling for makers, tinkerers, tech enthusiasts, designers and crafters to showcase their innovative work! Like and Follow Beirut Mini Maker Faire 2019 for more news and updates!   #BMMF19 #BeirutMiniMakerFaire #DigitalFabrication #Robotics #MakeForLebanon #makersmovement

digital social summit _

"Digital transformation offers civil society a great deal of opportunities and challenges. We would like to discuss with you how the project "digitization" can succeed - in your own organization as well as in society as a whole!"


Austin Austin, TX, United States

SXSW: GIG  has a panel in the official programme of SXSW which will take place on March 8th - apart from Geraldine de Bastion (GIG), Nanjira Sambuli (Web Foundation) Jillian York (EFF) and Markus Beckedahl (netzpolitik) will be speaking on the panel about ““Fighting Misinformation and Defending the Open Web” . Featuring a variety of […]

Le Grand Barouf Numérique

Ecosystem event coming up:  Le Grand Barouf Numérique The Ouishare community is co-organzing Le Grand Barouf Numérique, discussing digital policies in Lille, France, on March 20th and 21st under the motto "Qui gouverne le monde? Who runs the world? The format will be a fictional parliamentary assembly where MPs will examine and vote on three digital […]

Africa Open Science and Hardware Summit 2019

Dar es Salaam , Tanzania, United Republic of

AfricaOSH is a gathering for everyone interested in Open Science & Hardware as a means to achieve locally adapted, culturally relevant, technologically and economically feasible production in Africa; as an alternative to traditional Intellectual Property (IP) and closed knowledge systems; and to understand its potential for development and collaboration across Africa, especially by reducing barriers […]

18th Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

UN Headquarters 760 United Nations Plaza, New York City, United States

The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is a high- level advisory body to the Economic and Social Council. The Forum was established on 28 July 2000 by resolution 2000/22, with the mandate to deal with indigenous issues related to economic and social development, culture, the environment, education, health and human rights. More specifically, the Permanent Forum: provides expert advice and recommendations on indigenous […]

NESI Global Forum

Palacio de Ferias y Congresos Avenida Ortega y Gasset, 201. 29006, Málaga, Málaga, Spain

The NESI Global Forum is a biennial event bringing together all elements of society to share the latest developments in social innovation and the new economy from around the world In 2017, the first NESI Forum brought together more than 700 people from 43 countries to collaborate on building a wellbeing economy. In 2019, the second […]