Discussing the Right to Repair Movement

The global Right to Repair movement advocates for the creation of legislation that makes repair options possible as well as accessible to everyone, and empowers consumers legally and practically to repair their products. It favors the promotion of a sustainable circular economy for all...
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Felipe at NY conference

Open for all

GIG supported its member Felipe Fonseca to join the OSPOS for Good 2024 in New York. This is a report from the days in The Big Apple. I was recently...
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A Comprehensive Report on GIGweek24: Annual Uniting of Innovators and Change-Makers in Berlin

GIGweek24 consisted of a series of events: attending the 3-day re:publica Berlin 2024 conference, a Community Day of touring various maker and hackerspaces in Berlin, as well as participating in...
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We Care, So We Make – The Makerspace at #rp24

Three full days of exciting workshops featuring makers and innovators from all around the world! Across from re:publica’s big halls and right at the end was Hall 8 with its...
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GIG at re:publica24 – Makerspace Sessions – Day 3

10:00 – 11:00Hands on Anleitung: Solar Upcycling für den Balkon Speakers: Sebastian Müller, Wolfgang Gründinger, Elisa Naranjo 11:15 – 12:15 Building Bridges: Soldering for Climate Change Awareness Speakers: Ousia Assiongbon Foli-Bebe...
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GIG at re:publica24 – Makerspace Sessions – Day 2

10:00 – 11:00Smart Agri-Box Speakers: ESSOH Cyrille, Koffi Dodji Honou 10:30 – 11:05Digitizing to survive: a social technology for the revitalization of Amazonian languages Speakers: Ana Vilacy Galucio 11:15 –...
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GIG at re:publica24 – Makerspace Sessions – Day 1

12:30 – 13:00 Constructive Care Cafe (CCC) Speakers: Regina M. Sipos, Saad Chinoy, Adriana Cabrera 13:45 – 14:45 IoT Services by Africa and for Africa Speakers: Husna, Rahim Md Abdur, Omoy Kombe...
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Building Bridges: Exploring the Impactful Partnership Between GIG and re:publica

The partnership between the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) and re:publica shows what happens when people from all over the world come together to share ideas. This relationship has turned a...
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Counter Strike map at Favela da Rocinha, in Rio de Janeiro

Algorithmic discrimination in Brazil

Digital technologies are increasingly used worldwide to mediate social dynamics, manage access to rights and ensure participation in economic life. However, the way such technologies are created has blind spots...
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The Pulse of Global Innovation: A Closer Look at the Annual GIG Gathering

Every year, the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) in Berlin becomes a focal point for global innovators, thinkers, and creators. Since its inception at the re:publica conference in 2013, GIG has...
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Introducing the GIGctionary: Your Ultimate Guide to Navigating the World of GIG

In GIG, we say many things; we talk about innovation, technology co-creation, and much more. Sometimes, we even invent our own words! As someone might say, we’re often “GIGing it,”...
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Aravinth Panch : Generating A Cycle of Thinking For Longevity

Ecosystems services encompass the vital benefits that nature bestows upon us to sustain life on our planet. Diverse natural elements such as forests, wetlands, rivers, oceans, and the myriad of...
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