Digital Africa – Arte cross-media project

„Digital Africa“ is a multi platform project about digital innovations in Africa, produced by Berlin based film production company Berlin Producers in cooperation with French-German TV ARTE, GIG, re:publica, Shrinkfish...
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3D printed solar clock

Samer Shawar is one of the founders of Vecbox, the hackerspace and knowledge hub in Ramallah, Palestine with a focus on civic tech and digital rights. I had the chance to...
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Towards an IoT from the Masses

re:publica is Europe’s largest and most inspiring conference on internet and digital society. It attracts to Berlin over 7000 participants to discuss, in a 500 hours program with more than...
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Science is a type of energy

There’s something magical happening here in Berlin. Every year the Global Innovation Gathering brings people from all across the world who create empowering community spaces together, and this year we...
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GIG 2016 at re:publicaTEN

70 innovators, makers and hackers from 25 countries DOWNLOAD THE OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE GIG Makerspace and GIG Stage focus on global Maker Movement and innovation ecosystems DIY workshops and talks...
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Discover the world of makers

The GIG Makerspace is back! If you were at either re:publica ‘14 or ‘15 you will no-doubt remember the awesome 3D printing, laser cutting, soldering, wiring, moulding and building going...
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Making it in Lahore

Notes on building a Maker Space in Pakistan Originally posted on Max’s tumblr blog. IDDS came and went. There were about 30 old friends and 30 new ones and...
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GIG is the global network of social and technological innovators. WHO? Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) is a vibrant, diverse community of innovation hubs, makerspaces, hackerspaces and other grassroot innovation community...
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Musings of a Maker

Originally published as a two-part post on the iHub blog. The maker movement is a trend in which individuals or groups of individuals create and market products that are recreated...
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The GIG #RP15 Review

Originally published at “As GIG and re:publica come to a close, we have nothing more than appreciation for a rewarding and intense experience.” Ahmed Mohamed Maawy Ahmed was one of 70...
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iceCairo at re:publica 2014

Originally published at After the greatness of last year in Berlin, the Afrilabs and Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) decided to once again bring back so many amazing people in one...
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