GIG | MTM Meet the Member

GIG | MTM Meet the Member

Meet the Members is a come together where new members introduce themselves to the Network, and older members also get to introduce themselves and exchange knowledge and experiences. It is an opportunity that is open to all members in order to have the chance tell their latest updates, ask for support, laugh and exchange on so many levels - as if it was a hanging out on the banks of the Spree river in Berlin. Happening every last Wednesday of every month. Note: Links to this zoom meeting are shared timely before the event. ...
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AfriLabs2023 | Accelerate Africa’s Digital Economy

AfriLabs2023 | Accelerate Africa’s Digital Economy

The AfriLabs Annual Gathering is a transformative event in Africa’s tech and entrepreneurial ecosystem, uniting visionaries, governments, startups, investors, policymakers, and world-class thought leaders to drive sustainable growth and innovation on the continent. The one of a kind global event, celebrates African ingenuity offering a world-class platform for collaboration and co-creation of solutions for the diverse socio-economic for challenges across the continent. Emphasizing inclusivity and creativity, the Gathering inspires and showcases multi-faceted innovations to generate a positive global impact. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and networking, participants nurture new ideas, partnerships and aspirations for sustainable interventions. This catalytic event propels Africa’s journey towards a prosperous future, empowering communities, creating jobs, and uplifting lives through the power of technology, collaboration, inter-government relationships, entrepreneurship and policy. Learn more about the event and AfriLabs here: ...
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Who controls the data? Perspectives on digital sovereignty from the Global South

Who controls the data? Perspectives on digital sovereignty from the Global South

The Heinrich Boell Foundation Washington, DC and Konnektiv would like to invite you to an online discussion on perspectives on digital sovereignty in the Global South. Digital technologies are instrumental for global exchange and connectivity – nothing illustrates this better than the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet there is fierce competition over who gets to reap the benefits of cross-border data flows. The United States and China are in a process of decoupling their digital spheres while the European Union is asserting its digital sovereignty by launching Gaia-X, the European cloud. Countries in the Global South often find themselves on the sidelines of global debates over digital governance. In this event, Geraldine de Bastion will introduce her new paper “Data and the Global South,” which gives an overview of key issues for inclusive digital development. The panel will then discuss how societies in low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America can access the data they produce and put them to good...
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