Meet the new headquarters of LABxS (Lab Santista)



Procomum Institute, one of our GIG associates in Brazil, present the headquarters of LABxS, Lab Santista, the citizen laboratory that is being implemented by them and that articulates a network of people, initiatives and infrastructures to promote the commons in the Baixada Santista region, southeast of Brazil.

We are calling  to come together to build this story, so send us ideas for interventions, projects, opinions, money, mistakes and lessons, or even if you just want to talk:

– if you are an architect or urban planner or would just like to send intervention ideas so that the space ethically and aesthetically translates the spirit of a cultural center focused on the commons;
– if you are an artist, a doer, a curious mind and want to think of some project in here;
if you would like to financially support the lab or some specific project;
– if you are just a meddler and would like to send your opinions;
– if you are part of a lab and want to share your mistakes and learnings;
– if you just want to talk to us.

Send us an email: [email protected] 



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