Sustainable Making

Read about the Session Outcomes over at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance and on our blog!

Globally, two major challenges face us and future generations: Climate change driven by unsustainable consumption, and large-scale under-employment particularly of urban youth.

The Do-It-Yourself ethos inherent in the maker movement builds cultures of reusing, upcycling and recycling through hacking and building with available local resources. Not only reducing unsustainable resource use, but also empowering local innovators and marginalised groups, growing local economies and supporting climate change mitigation.

Innovations and movements such as e-waste innovations, 3D printing from recycled plastics, right-to-repair policies and distributed manufacturing initiatives such as Makernet, as well as business models for spaces like HUBinaBoX have been championed by GIG members and others. Together with designers, makers, DIY enthusiasts, hobbyists, entrepreneurs and policymakers, this track will discuss, design and answer questions around how to grow maker spaces and support making which promotes both environmental and economic stability for local communities, including the most vulnerable populations.


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