Next MEET THE MEMBERS is planned as usual on the last of Wednesday of the month – November 30th at 14:00 CET.
This next one, we will have special guests that are not members per se. Our MEET THE MEMBERS will be combined with its parallel in Germany ‘MEET AND CHAT’ , the monthly gathering of makers from Offene WerkStätten (Open Workshops).
Open Workshops Germany is an offspring network of our newly joined Supporting Member, Anstiftung who will be there to introduce themselves as well. We want to connect GIGer maker spaces to maker spaces in Germany and explore possibilities together; whether you are a maker space or not, I would say this ONE is not to be missed!
Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) is a vibrant, diverse community of innovation hubs, makerspaces, hackerspaces and other grassroots innovation community spaces alongside individual innovators, makers, technologists and changemaker.
MEET THE MEMBERS (MTM) is an online community event that takes place on the last Wednesday of each month. This is a GIG members exclusive event where new members and older ones come together to exchange their latest news and projects.
The Foundation anstiftung carries out research into commons, do-it-yourself and sustainable regionalisation. A key element of this is creating a new perspective on what Western societies understand by “prosperity”. Since quality of life is not just about having a large number of different products, the Foundation networks and promotes subsistence practices in everyday life and draws attention to their importance for a sustainable society in a sustainable global context.
Gefördert von der Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken mit finanzieller Unterstützung des BMZ”