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How to Unlock New Sources of Funds through KujaLink | Webinar

We will come together for an Introduction Webinar on How to Unlock New Sources of Funds through KujaLink. This is happening in light of GIG's new collaboration with KujaLink, and hopefully a lasting partnership. KujaLink is a platform aiming to connect Global South Organizations to Philanthropic Funders with a new vision of meaningful connection for […]

Business Model Talk on Sustainability of Networks


This month's Business Models Talk will tackle the topic of the Sustainability of Networks. We have Felista Aku, Senior Partnership Manager at AfriLabs based in Nigeria, and Tom Hansing, Co-founder of the Network of Open Workshops in Germany. In this episode, we will discuss the challenges of maintaining the operations of a Network and showcasing different financial models through examples in Africa and […]

Business Model Talk on Plastics Recycling


This month’s Business Models Talk will tackle the topic of Plastics Recycling with Wajim Yakubu Nuhu Chief Operating Officer at Ifrique Eco Solutions and Sören Lex CEO of Plasticpreneur who will be sharing insights from their own organisations. As always, participants are invited to share their own experiences too. Each month we host a community discussion focussed on […]

GIG | MTM Meet the Member


Meet the Members is a come together where new members introduce themselves to the Network, and older members also get to introduce themselves and exchange knowledge and experiences. It is an opportunity that is open to all members in order to have the chance tell their latest updates, ask for support, laugh and exchange on […]

Careables Meet-Up: Where Tech Meets Healthcare

As part of GIGs' ongoing efforts in enhancing visibility on the Careables Project and showcase the incredible features of the platform, Careables Monthly Meet-ups was initiated. Catch up on Careables Latest Meet-Up here. This month, the meet-up will invite speakers as well as guests to delve deeper into the intersection of healthcare and technology, yielding the […]

Community Call: Makerspaces in Universities

Speakers: Leyla Yunis, Yuri Vlasyuk, Maik Jähne, Saad Chinoy For the upcoming Community Call, there will be an open discussion with some experienced speakers and members on establishing Makerspaces in Universities and Libraries. This topic is a spin-off to the 'New Beginning Calls' you can watch here. The speakers will discuss their journey in establishing Makerspaces in […]

Showcasing Project Tolocar Outcomes | Call 1

Curious about how technology can spark social change? Join this inspiring online journey showcasing groundbreaking outcomes of Project Tolocar. Hear from global innovators like Konstantin Leonenko, Vuga William, and others on how their work is paving the way for sustainable solutions and community empowerment. Whether you're deeply involved in these fields or newly curious, there's […]

GIG Community Call: Makers Meet Ministers

How can policy makers influence and support the maker movement? As a global network of people, each member holds a different position - individual creator, team, startup, advocate, mentor, supporter. This community call will open the conversation about the importance of spaces for communities to gain tangible skills, create and grow together. 'Makerspaces' are inclusive […]

Community Call: mAkE/GIG | Talk with Maker Residents (MiR) II

Note: Time Displayed in CEST In this call we will have Basaninyange (Tinah) Martine (Rwanda) and Leonard Shayo (Tanzania) from the mAkE Africa EU Makers in Residency (MiR) program. Some of you might have already met  during the GIG week in Berlin or have come across their profile in the last nomination email! The MiR program aims to provide valuable exchanges between European […]

Monthly Call | Meet The Members

Time is in CEST It is the monthly gathering where new members get to introduce themselves and all GIG members get to chat and share any updates, news, and achievements. This is an Internal Call that happens on the last Wednesday of the month.

Community Call | Pocket Infrastructures and Linguistic Revitalizing on Colombian Amazonas


Time is in CET In this session we will present how alternative tech stacks, that we call "pocket infrastructures", combining microwikis, data storytelling and digital malleable metatools are used to preserve and revitalize indigenous linguistic knowledge for the People of the Center (Los Pueblos del Centro) in the Colombian Amazonas Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas is […]

Community Call: mAkE/GIG | Meet Makerspaces Behind the Maker in Residence (MiR24) Program


Time is in CET. This session will provide an opportunity to learn about the experiences of makerspaces hosting makers from Africa. We will discuss their key learnings from the residency program, their overall evaluation of the program, and their recommendations for future iterations. Additionally, we will explore the role of network organizations such as GIG […]