GIG Community Call: Makers Meet Ministers
How can policy makers influence and support the maker movement? As a global network of people, each member holds a different position - individual creator, team, startup, advocate, mentor, supporter. […]
We are GIG
How can policy makers influence and support the maker movement? As a global network of people, each member holds a different position - individual creator, team, startup, advocate, mentor, supporter. […]
Note: Time Displayed in CEST In this call we will have Basaninyange (Tinah) Martine (Rwanda) and Leonard Shayo (Tanzania) from the mAkE Africa EU Makers in Residency (MiR) program. Some of you might have already met during the […]
Time is in CEST It is the monthly gathering where new members get to introduce themselves and all GIG members get to chat and share any updates, news, and achievements. […]
Time is in CET In this session we will present how alternative tech stacks, that we call "pocket infrastructures", combining microwikis, data storytelling and digital malleable metatools are used to […]
Time is in CET. This session will provide an opportunity to learn about the experiences of makerspaces hosting makers from Africa. We will discuss their key learnings from the residency […]