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Laura Sobral

Your location

Porto, Portugal



Organisation or Initiative

A Cidade Precisa de Você

Where is it located?

São Paulo, Brazil

About it

A Cidade Precisa de Você [The City Needs You] is an urban collective that, with local communities, thinks and transforms public spaces into shared places. It is organised as an interdisciplinary network committed to building fair, democratic, regenerative and vibrant cities. We act mainly through public spaces’ cultural activation and physical improvement, aiming at neighbourhoods’ co-production and co-governance as a democratic practice. A Cidade has a mobile maker space called “Dispositivo Ativador de Vizinhança” and shares most of its projects, methods and tools online.

Due to A Cidade’s work on co-policies – urban policies that allow and facilitate cooperation between local government and citizens in the qualification of neighbourhoods – this topic has become the theme of my research since 2016. Currently, I am developing my PhD between Portugal, Austria and Germany, the subject being the implementation, mobility and analysis of this type of policy.