Emancipation through Technology in Africa 4.0

Geraldine de Bastion, radio interview Africa produces an amazing number of technical developments and applications for technical developments, according to Geraldine de Bastion, curator of re:publica and founder of the NGO Global...
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GIG @ re:publica Accra 2018

re:publica Accra, the very first re:publica conference held in Africa, took place on 14-15th December 2018 at the Trade Centre in Accra, Ghana and was attended by over 2000 people...
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The South-South Media Lab Collaboration

Over the last two years, icebauhaus has been facilitating technological innovations and creative projects aligned with the development of collaboration among the Global South. Read all about the 2018 edition at medium.com/launchgarage/...
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CryptoParty in Brazil

CriptoAxé, a CryptoParty event aimed to strengthen the security community of Bahia State in Brazil. It was an effort to unite diverse people, collectives and organizations already involved in the...
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GIG@35C3. Hacking Diversity at a Hacker Congress.

In December 2018, we managed to gig up rp:Accra and just a week later also 35C3. It has been an intense time – but totally worth it! What is 35C3?...
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Anna, Saad, Alex, and Jorge joined this year’s edition of the Gathering for Open Science Hardware in Shenzhen. China’s booming hardware city was the perfect place for workshops, fruitful discussions...
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African born 3D printing in Greece

For the past few weeks our team was in Athens, Greece working with MIT’s d-lab and a local NGO Faros as we trained unaccompanied refugee minors to build...
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Plastic waste management in India

I am involved in a project to look at increasing the value that waste pickers in Chennai, India can get from the plastic rubbish they collect. Would you be interested...
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GIG @re:publica Accra

Under the motto “next level” re:publica is going to Accra and so is GIG! The two-day festival will gather the digital society in Accra, Ghana.  As in Berlin you can expect mind...
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GreenFingers Mobile digitizes farming

Hi all! We provide access to market and finance for smallholder farmers through a digital solution that replaces pen and paper farmer management systems. Shifting from Paper to Digital GreenFingers...
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Human Networks Festival

Last week the Human Networks Convergence took place in Barcelona, Spain.  The Human Networks Convergence was a three day gathering of 30 network connectors representing 16 different international networks experimenting...
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Precious Plastic went to Kenya

All around the world plastic waste is being washed and recycled into new forms and functions. Here is a documentation of one of the newest sites in Kisii, Kenya. Add...
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