Celebrating the Creative Economy: Colaboradora – Empreender e Transformar

At the end of the 12-month mentoring and development program  for creative social impact entrepreneurs selected through a public call, “Colaboradora – Empreender e Transformar” launches their downloadable manual! The...
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Casa Criatura developes an open-source aerosol box in response to Covid-19

Through the support of the Moss Challenge Covid-19 action, promoted by the Mozilla Foundation, Careables Casa Criatura developed an open-source aerosol box model to use at Intensive Care Units (ICU)...
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CoAct – Frena La Curva

We have been selected as one of the 10 post-Covid “common challenges” projects of the Frena La Curva (FLC) platform, which is present in 16 countries. FLC is a citizen...
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Protege BR: Support network for health professionals against COVID-19

The Olabi, in Brazil, built a digital platform that organises information related to the decentralised production of medical supplies during the pandemic. Protege BR shows the production of more than...
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Make your hardware discoverable with an Open Know-How Manifest

You put a lot of love and effort in your open hardware and you want others to find it and see how grand it is? Here is something to help...
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Careables Casa Criatura Olinda wins Mozilla COVID-19 Solutions Fund

Innovations spanning food supplies, medical records and PPE manufacture were today included in the final three awards made by Mozilla from its COVID-19 Solutions Fund. The Fund was established at the end...
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The first month of a maker lab against Covid-19 in northeastern Brazil

Careables is an international platform collaboration that enables citizens to co-design and deliver people-centred health products through means of digital fabrication. In Latin America, partners LabCOCO, Casa Criatura and Coletivo 3D (in Olinda city) and LabProComum (city of...
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Fab Lab Humanitarian Design Challenge 2020!

The month of February was a month for ‘Innovation with a cause’. Nepal Communitere in partnership with Field Ready successfully wrapped up the first-ever Humanitarian Design Challenge (HDC) where students from different...
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Safir – call for applications for social impact incubators (MENA) 

GIG member Pitchworthy is part of a group that has an interesting announcement coming up: Safir offers you the opportunity to join the first regional network of social impact incubators...
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HACKORAGNA, a platform co-op of young entrepreneurs and innovators for Madagascar’s digital transformation after COVID19.

Born on the day after the announcement of the first three cases of coronavirus in Madagascar in the begining of April, Hackoragna, a name composed of “Hack” and “Koragna”, is...
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Hack from Home #retasdarirumah

Between 11-13 May 2020 HONF Foundation, CAST Foundation, Social-Digital Innovation and Ke:Kini organized an online grassroots hackathon for Indonesia. GIG wasn’t only represented by Regina (SDI) and Ira (HONF), Saad...
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Makerspace Covid-19 Safety Protocols 

How can we stay safe at our Makerspaces during the current pandemic? Kijenzi in Kenya and GIG member Field Ready have designed a poster for maker spaces to print out...
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