Careables 2020: Innovation, Collaboration and Free Technologies for People-Centered Health

On February 5, the Careables America Latina was launched in Olinda, Recife State, Brazil. The project is an international cooperation between the Brazilian organizations Casa Criatura, Centro Cultural Coco de Umbigada, Coletivo 3D, Grupo de Pesquisa TAPIOCA/UFRPE, Instituto Procomum and Secretaria de Saúde de Olinda and  IRD (France) and Global Innovation Gathering – GIG (Berlin). The platform will use digital manufacturing, distributed and descentralized manufacturing and collaborative production to create products and solutions for people’s health.

For the Procomum Institute, this project is special because it combines local and international cooperation and ancestral and technological knowledge.

According to Georgia Nicolau, director of IP and member of GIG, Careables is an objective example of how it is possible to carry out work from the bottom up, with community development in a network using free technologies.

“We are presenting and building scalable, replicable and technological solutions. Combining low and high technology, traditional knowledge and new digital production and manufacturing technologies to solve systemic health problems ”, said Georgia Nicolau.

The project will be developed throughout the semester in a decentralized manner, with each employee working with their community.

The LAB Procomum network will develop projects for planting medicinal herbs, reducing the use of plastic and accessing knowledge and education for people with disabilities.

Click here to download the project manifesto (Brazilian portuguese only).

Originally published at Lab Procomum.


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