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Victoria Wenzelmann

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[email protected]

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Berlim, Alemanha



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Global Innovation Gathering

About it

Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) is a vibrant, diverse community of innovation hubs, makerspaces, hackerspaces and other grassroot innovation community spaces and initiatives as well as individual innovators, makers, technologists and changemakers.



Why are you GIG?

The world needs a safe space for people who understand that innovation is not a technical term, but that (digital) technologies in our time are a means to the end of social innovation. That safe space did not exist, and I am incredibly grateful that we are creating it together every day!

GIG Collab

I think I have worked with ~80% of the GIGers at some point, mostly "only" on events and networking. GIGers I work or have worked with on bigger projects include of course the GIG Team, SuperBoard and Auditors; all GIGers based along the route of the Labmobile trip from South Africa to Uganda in 2019/20; GIGers based in South Sudan and Uganda and all mentors who were involved in #ASKnet.