
THE NEW NORMAL We are connected 24/7, but more alone than ever. We are constantly pushing the boundaries, but run the risk of losing sight of today’s challenges. We have an unlimited amount of information, but lose the ability to distinguish between fact and fiction. How do we adapt to these changing circumstances? How do we wrap our heads around realities we could not even imagine a few years ago? What is normal in this changing world? Do universal truths exist that are here for the duration? And what influence do our personal assumptions and biases have in how we perceive “normal”?...
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Maker Faire Singapore 2017

Maker Faire Singapore, the largest Show and Tell in Singapore, with over 500 makers showcasing hands on activities, talks and workshops, is back for the sixth year running! Join us for a fun filled day with loads of activities and learning experiences for the whole family!...
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Eindhoven Maker Faire

Are you a creative maker that would like to showcase your brand new project or process on an internationally scaled platform? Then sign up for the new edition of the Eindhoven Maker Faire! Showcase your homemade robot, organize a drone race or tell the public about the newest form of biofuel. Sign up for the program and present your work among the many creative people, artists, designers, hackers, inventors, software developers, game designers, specialists and hobbyists. Expand your network, speak with the press, other creators and your new potential customer. The Eindhoven Maker Faire takes place from 2 to 3 september 2017. Participation for makers is free of charge....
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MakerFaire Berlin

A festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness. Coming to Berlin for the third time in 2017! We’re expecting to host over 900 Makers at 200 booths presenting to an audience of 20,000 visitors....
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iPrize Application Deadline

The IPRIZE is an international competition to explore the implications of the new machine economy on society, culture and business. We want to lay a strong foundation for developing new business models and use technology to benefit humanity. The IPRIZE addresses early stage startups and individuals that are dedicated to seize the opportunities in this field to make the world a better place. Who can apply?Knowing that successful innovation come in many shapes and forms and need different kinds of support along their development, we wish to encourage ideas at multiple stages of development by awarding prizes in two categories. We are looking for early stage start-ups can apply for the Seed Investment. Additionally, we want to give hidden champions and secret tinkerers an opportunity as well. Therefore, we are offering a 6 months idea incubation to support you as an individual to further develop your idea – no preconditions required. What are the application criteria?Your solutions must be suited for commercial...
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iPrize Finale

The IPRIZE is an international competition to explore the implications of the new machine economy on society, culture and business. We want to lay a strong foundation for developing new business models and use technology to benefit humanity. The IPRIZE addresses early stage startups and individuals that are dedicated to seize the opportunities in this field to make the world a better place....
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OuiShare Fest Paris 2017

★3 days of inspiration, connection, and co-creation ★1500 participants from over 100 cities ★100 keynotes, workshops, mentor sessions, art performances, live music and more surprises ✎ WHAT IS IT ABOUT ★ A conference with a "TED meets Burning Man feel". ★ A playful space for interaction, collaboration, and exploration. ★ A speaker lineup of known and undiscovered pioneers that will push you outside your comfort zone. ✎ 5TH EDITION FROM JULY 5TH TO 7TH We invite cities and citizens with cutting-edge tools and radical solutions to join forces and build new alliances in order to achieve systemic change. ✎ PROGRAM DAY 1 - CITIES OF THE WORLD: GIVE US POWER BACK! ► CITIZENS IN ACTION & LIBERATED WORKERS Future of Work - Civic Tech - Participatory Budgeting - Civic Engagement - Co-living - Gender in the City DAY 2 - CITIES OF THE WORLD: TAKE POWER BACK FROM THEM! ► RESILIENCE & URBAN SOVEREIGNTY Data Commons - Circular Economy - P2P services - Urban Manufacturing - Food Resilience - Decentralised Logistics - Mobility as a...
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GIG #rp17 Closing Dinner at c-base

GIG #rp17 Closing Dinner at c-base

Originally published at kairokoshary.com. For the fifth year, the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) was held in Berlin, Germany. ​As with every year, it was tied to the infamous re:publica conference that takes place in early May.  The conference focuses on internet & society, which ties perfectly to the booking innovation sector in what is called in development parlance, "The Global South". GIG fits perfectly into this context brining talent from around the world, including the southern hemisphere, to re:publica. Here, the latest in amazing topics with regards to tech hubs, makerspaces, innovation, and entrepreneurship in countries from Brazil to the Philippines and many in between (actually this year had reps from 20 countries.) From the rp website describing the annual makerspace setup on the floor of re:publica: "... the GIG Makerspace is bringing you the best of 3D printing, laser cutting, soldering, wiring, moulding and building. 2017 is surely no exception. From fashiontech to custom-made DIY limbs to knitted generative patterns: have a look at our awesome demo, exhibition and...
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Peace Hack MENA 2017

Published on http://www.icealex.com/peacehackmena/ We are inviting makers, innovators and entrepreneurs from the MENA region to apply to the first Peace Hack MENA camp. The Peace Hack MENA camp is a co-created initiative by the Swedish Institute, Icealex, and the World Economic Forum Global Shapers Community. Our goals are: To create new, collaborative and creative methods for social innovation and peace building To familiarize the civil society and tech industry with makers, innovator and social entrepreneurs To actively look for added value in innovation hubs, maker spaces and co-working spaces for social innovation and peace building To recognize the role of collaboration, networks and technology as central to modern human interaction and as an opportunity for innovating new methods and solutions for co-existence and peace building. The participants will get an opportunity to showcase how innovation hubs and community spaces through shared community ownership; can be examples for promoting co-existence, diversity and social innovation. Methodology: During Peace Hack MENA the ‘Art of hosting technique’s’  will be applied as...
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C&T 2017 – Technology for the Common Good

The biennial Communities and Technologies (C&T) conference is the premier international forum for stimulating scholarly debate and disseminating research on the complex connections between communities – both physical and virtual – and information and communication technologies.  ...
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