PitchDriveXYZ – Presenting the 14 top Start-ups from Africa

PitchDriveXYZ – Presenting the 14 top Start-ups from Africa

PitchDrive by CcHUB, powered by Google for Entrepreneurs, will engage 14 of Africa’s top tech start-ups on a tour of tech hubs in Europe (London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Zurich and Paris) to pitch to investors, explore international opportunities and learn about frontier technology markets. Last year, it was estimated that African start-ups raised a record-breaking total of $366.8 million in investment, with the top 10 destinations being Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Cote d’Ivoire, Tanzania, Egypt, Ghana, Senegal, Morocco, Tunisia and Uganda. Africa is in the midst of a technological renaissance and we present to you a unique opportunity to interact and network with 14 leading startups from the continent. The Open Pitch session will give the entrepreneurs the unique opportunity to interact, network and pitch to a room full of highly networked individuals and Africans in the Diaspora. We hope you will take out time to join this rare opportunity to get a glimpse of the best of Africa’s tech startups. After an introduction...
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Future Coders Rwanda

Future Coders Rwanda

GIG member Aphrodice Foyo Mutangana is the general manager at kLab Rwanda. In a recent Medium article he explains the importance and impact of ICT for children and youth. Coding at a younger age embodies gradual benefits in a digital-oriented world. It’s a gift of beyond-class knowledge we give our children pursuing digital entrepreneurship; a gift that could have saved Mutabazi. Brilliant startups will provide jobs — bettering living standards of communities — irrespective of their financial backgrounds. In Future Coders, the journey continues. We’re garnering ideas to create an offline platform that enables students to be self-paced, and most effectively, access facilities even when internet is absent. Future Coders is amongst kLab's most recent and highly promising initiatives. Read the whole story at medium.com/@amutangana/... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnCi3LWA85Y...
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GIG @ OuiShare in Paris

GIG @ OuiShare in Paris

At the think and be-tank for a collaborative society Ouishare we had an all GIG panel, reunited to discuss and share ideas and projects on grassroots collaboration for improving our lives in fast changing cities from the global south perspective. Brazil, Marocco, Rwanda and Kenya were represented by Asmaa Guedira, Ouishare connector and project manager of Womanity, Georgia Nicolau from Procomum Institute, Jon Stever from The Office/Impact Hub Kigali and Nanjira Sambuli from Web Foundation. The group discussed projects such as #i4policy, which is strengthening civic participation in discussing public policy on the African continent. The discussion format was a fishbowl which allowed for a lot of input and examples from the public on how civil society and civic initiatives can change the realities in the cities by collaborating, documenting and sharing....
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Urban Waters for Social and Environmental Resilience

Solutions for the challenges of Extreme Drought UTC Pernambuco - Urban Waters for Social and Environmental Resilience aims to build actions towards the New Urban Agenda and intends to engage its participants to commit themselves on contributing in their territories through a consensual proposal, both at local and international level. Held in three municipalities of Pernambuco State - Belo Jardim, Petrolina and Recife, intends to bring to light different possibilities for local actions towards water resilience, in dialogue with Pernambuco's territory and different urban and socialscenarios. UTC Pernambuco also aims to promote a final dialogue on the Metropolitan Management Laws, mandatory for Brazilian municipalities, to be presented to Brazilian Government in December 2017....
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GIG members as graphic novel characters

GIG members as graphic novel characters

Two Global Innovation Gathering members were announced as cameos in an upcoming graphic novel about hacker and maker movement - Glider Ink. Samer Shawar from Palestinian VecBox and Nawres Arif from Iraqi Science Camp are going to share their prosthesis and interfacing expertise with fictional characters featured in the comic. We would like to help people understand that innovation happens all over the world - and by sharing the knowledge openly, we can build something truly magnificent. [one-half-first][/one-half-first] [one-half][/one-half] More info on the project at glider.ink and facebook.com/gliderink...
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#Labmobile on tour to Greece

#Labmobile on tour to Greece

Our sparkling Big Blue #Labmobile is on it's way to Greece together with a fabulous team: its creator Vicy, Communitere and FabLab Siegen. Follow @labmobil   Wrapping up Berlin Maker Faire, Big Blue is ready for her 9 day 2000km road trip to Greece. #NationalWeekofMaking #WorldRefugeeDay #WeAreCommunitere #mfb17 @greececommunitere A post shared by Doc North (@docnorth) on Jun 11, 2017 at 11:41am PDT Campaign update #1: Raised 3% of goal & a GC voyage to share #maker magic! https://t.co/j5wfMuvBtx @weareGIG @FabLabSiegen @MakerFaireBER pic.twitter.com/xQNuqMZun6 — Communitere (@INTCommunitere) 7 June 2017 Photos from a great day one of the @MakerFaireBER #mfb17 with #BigBlue @LabMobil @FabLabSiegen @weareGIG! pic.twitter.com/r5i3SZPZnv — Communitere (@INTCommunitere) 11 June 2017 We @INTCommunitere @FabLabSiegen @weareGIG won the #makerofmerit award at @MakerFaireBER today! Thank you!! #BlueRibbon for #BigBlue 🎉🙋🏻💕 pic.twitter.com/qJa5FOgG2C — Labmobile (@labmobil) 11 June 2017   Also at this years re:publica was the #labmobe the centre of all amazement. Final destination: Thessaloniki. DIY #LoveOutLoud Letters with @saadcaffeine @tusitalabooks at #makerspace #labmobile #gig17 pic.twitter.com/jW5NHa54uu — GIG (@weareGIG) 8 May 2017  ...
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‘STARTUPS OF ALEX’ is calling all startups in Alexandria, Egypt

‘STARTUPS OF ALEX’ is calling all startups in Alexandria, Egypt

STARTUPS OF ALEX is the 1st Alexandrian incubator launched by icealex and funded by the Academy for Scientific Research and Technology under the program of “Intilac National Incubators”. Startups of Alex aims to connect the different components of the Alexandrian startup ecosystem together, including the startups themselves, mentors, investors, partners and supporting organizations such as co-working spaces and innovation & technology hubs. We believe that Alexandrian entrepreneurs have great ideas and the capability to create their own businesses. Some of them know their way and others face some obstacles, so we gather to share knowledge and help each other. The call for the 1st incubation cycle has been launched on the 1st June, whilst the 1st cycle bootcamp and kick off shall be during the beginning of August 2017. The cycle’s duration is between 4 – 6 months; i.e. from August 2017 until January 2018.   Why Join Us? As part of our incubation program, you will be provided with all of these services,...
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Web Summit 2017

Lisbon, Portugal Web Summit started as a simple idea in 2010: Let’s connect the technology community with all industries, both old and new. It seemed to resonate. Web Summit has grown to become the “largest technology conference in the world”....
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Éco2Fest 2017

Le premier festival de conception collaborative au Québec L'Éco2Fest est un projet d’accélération d'initiatives de l’écosystème collaboratif québécois dans trois villes du Québec (Québec, Montréal et Sherbrooke), villes de déploiement d’Espace Collectif Desjardins. Nos trois piliers fondamentaux : le développement durable; la conception collaborative; l'open source. Notre intention est de fabriquer les innovations pérennes & responsables du Québec de demain par et pour les citoyens locaux engagés. Un déroulement en 2 temps Un accompagnement technique en atelier collectif de 30 jours dans chaque ville participante; Une Semaine de l'Entrepreneuriat Responsable pour accompagner les porteurs de projet dans la diffusion de leur produit dans leur région. ...
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re:publica Thessaloniki 2017

The Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) brings together innovation hub managers, makers, hackers and entrepreneurs from across the world at a sub-conference developed by re:publica. The Big Blue Labmobile is a mobile space for learning, hacking, making, and most of all for knowledge exchange and community building. It kicked-off during re:publica Berlin 2017 as part of the GIG Makerspace and went on a Road Trip organized by GIG and Communitere and connecting communities – all the way from Berlin to Thessaloniki. Communitere is using it as part of their Mobile Resource Center to facilitate maker workshops with refugee and local communities all over Greece. And now the Big Blue is again going to be home to the makers at re:publica Thessaloniki! Find out more about what Communitere is up to in Greece, take part in our workshops, make drawing robots from junk and let them drive about or make your own wearables at the GIG & Communitere Maker Space! Just find the Big...
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