Publication discusses the role of art in the crisis

(UN)Farm: The End Of The World As We Know is a publication that compiles the thinking of 15 artists, activists and commoners from Brazil around communities, politics, aesthetics and imagination.

The Cycle was based on the thoughts of Brazilian artists such as Ailton Krenak, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro and Débora Danowski, whose works approached the concept of the end of the world in different ways.
The participants in the conversation cycle were invited to produce texts with reflections on the topic., which can be read and downloaded for free in its online version.

Eight citizen innovation actions and ideas for climate change

To support communities, economies and the environment to adapt to the impacts caused by climate change, the Instituto Procomum and the British Council Brazil launched this year the second edition of Climate Change LAB.

Among them, it is worth mentioning the construction of the Guarani Culture House and Community Kitchen in the Tekoa Tangará community, a solidary and affective technoscience process in the Aguapeú community, the development of skateboards with recyclable material and education actions, art, awareness and open dialogue with the public authorities.

Eight citizen innovation projects were selected, aimed at solutions for adapting to climate change by agents and social leaders.The actions of the Climate Change Lab will also be part of the contribution of the Active Citizens Program to the 26th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change of the United Nations (COP26).

We are updating project news every Saturday on our Instagram (@institutoprocomum).

CAN is now ONLINE!

Community Arts Network (CAN) is a platform which aims to engage, enable, and empower people through arts – be they individuals, organizations or whole communities.

We are now part of a network that includes 46 associations and 69 people from different parts of the world.

Acess the website here:


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