Climate Lab in Science Camp Iraq

Science Camp is a well-known on-field player on job-oriented technological education for social innovation in the city of Basra, at the banks of Shatt al-Arab in southern Iraq. Moreover, Science Camp plays a significant role in the region by proposing methods and products intrinsically connected to the SDGs. 

The ever-greater effect of climate change in the region pressures water availability & quality to the population. And it challenges the 4 million inhabitants of the 3rd most extensive petrol reservoir globally.

As part of the “Climate Lab in Science Camp” project, a partnership with German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ) ICT for Youth in Iraq, Science Camp practitioners created the “water from Air”. It is a scalable & replicable design and can be duplicated by makers and Fab Lab global networks. The solution needs no extra energy despite the amount already used in air-conditioning systems. It provides clean water, with increased efficiency in high temperature & hot weather. And, as simple as it looks, it depends on a widespread water condensation method that extracts humidity from the air: traditional AC units available worldwide. “Science Camp” facility is water self-sustainable since 2018, producing 100-250 litres daily. Check below in the video the system, and follow the manual for replicating the design.

Energy is also a valuable asset in Basra Governorate due to the lack of infrastructure and available sustainable energy sources provided by local governments or companies. Science Camp developed the Sun Tracker, research on sun heat energy (STP Solar Thermal Plant) and heat battery rather than chemical battery technology to tackle this problem. It has a 120cm diameter parabola dish with a reflective melt steel layer focusing sun rays on a specific point. You can check the evolution of the prototype during the research project on both videos below.

The project is part of Climate Lab in Science Camp activities supported by the GIZ program “Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Youth in Iraq”.

Furthermore, Science Camp also believes 3D modelling is one of the digital fabrication foundations. Therefore, converting your mental design into a digital 3D model is an essential step. For this reason, the Science Camp YouTube channel delivers a 3D modelling for digital fabrication training focused on industrial design. The video summarizes several 3D modelling techniques: Booleans, Lofting, Lathe, and poly modelling and its modifiers. Want to know more? Watch the video!

Another cool project developed by the Iraqi Makerspace is Precious Plastic Iraq. Using the open-source machinery available blueprints, Science Camp believes in the power of this initiative to counter Climate Change. Check in the movie below:

Furthermore, Science Camp supports local industries’ digital transformation, offering PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) programming training courses. It uses the Siemens PLC EduTrainer kit provided by Siemens AG as a tool to introduce practicals PLC programming training to STEM graduates beneficiaries and the local private sector. Siemens PLC training sessions were held on Science Camp three times, and each activity lasted five working days.

But also, Science Camp diagnosed the graduates’ lack of readiness to the job market’s international standards, especially the oil & gas sector which prosper locally in Basra. Therefore, they provide soft skills & job readiness training besides the tech training to balance & complete the job opportunities for beneficiaries from the local STEM education system. Moreover, it intends to help youth understand themselves as human and resources in the job market. Accordingly, soft Skills training sessions were held in Science Camp four times, with each training’s lasting 5 working days.

These trainings are part of the Science Camp’s efforts to support the local industrial private sector and foster job creation opportunities by providing technical training in Digital Fabrication and PLC programming, 3D printing, and Soft Skills training. In addition, it has support from GIZ-ICT for Youth. “Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Youth in Iraq”. The ICT project is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Science Camp Director Naweres Arif is a long-date GIG member. “The GIG community is essential for the Science Camp’s daily innovative activities providing inspiration and feelings of being together worldwide. And to feel that we are not alone despite the hard times we face in local or global challenges. Being part of the GIG family help to fix local issues with scalable & replicable solutions, helping to make the world a better place. In addition, GIG makes us feel safe when thinking about others on the other side of the globe are sharing the same passion for innovative goodness”, Nawres says. 

Yes, Nawres. Together we can create a better place for the next generations. And you are proving it is possible in your community. Long live to Science Camp Iraq!


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