2018 Winter Youth Assembly #coCreateImpact

With a global population of over 1.8 billion people, youth are the world’s greatest untapped resource, possessing the talents and ambition to overcome society’s biggest challenges. In order to achieve the 2030 Agenda, it is imperative to engage youth as beneficiaries, stakeholders, and leaders in the global movement for inclusive and sustainable development. The 2018 Winter Youth Assembly at the United Nations is a platform to elevate the voices of young people in international dialogues, empower youth to advocate for future generations, and mobilize youth as agents of impactful change....
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Apply to attend: 2018 Winter Youth Assembly at the UN

Applications are now open for the Early-Bird Registration: 16 October - 30 November 2017 #CocreateImpact: Innovation and Collaboration for a Sustainable World 14-16 February 2018 The 2018 Winter Youth Assembly at the United Nations is a platform to elevate the voices of young people in international dialogues, empower youth to advocate for future generations, and mobilize youth as agents of impactful change. Read more >> Apply today! Youth from around the world are invited to apply for next year's Winter Youth Assembly at the United Nations set to take place from 14-16 February 2018 in New York, USA. Delegate applications are open to youth between the ages of 16 - 28 who exemplify strong potential or have made an impact as leaders and changemakers in their communities. Interested applicants who are 29 years or older may apply as an Observer. Participants who register during the Early-Bird registration period (16 October - 30 November 2017) have the opportunity to attend a briefing/visit at a Permanent Mission to the United Nations, in addition to all...
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Open call to Innovation Lab for indigenous youth

OPEN CALL: IWGIA calls for innovative concept notes for projects for and by indigenous youths relating to one of the overall thematic priorities of IWGIA's work: Climate action, Global governance, or Land rights. Projects selected will be: Innovative! In relation to IWGIAs work with indigenous peoples’ rights, innovation means: help IWGIA and our target groups and partners to solve challenges faced by indigenous peoples in new, effective ways. Either through new methodologies, new partnerships with formations IWGIA usually has not been collaborating with, or by developing new devices, means of communication or other innovative solutions. Innovation implies a willingness to take some risks and try out new things – this is also the case for the IWGIA innovation lab. Be based on new forms of partnerships with i.e. private sector, knowledge institutions, tech institutions, other NGOs, networks etc. Have potential to generate further funding Have up-scaling potential Introduce new methodology to challenges faced by young indigenous peoples Be able to yield initial...
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Apply to attend: The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program 2017

Young leaders from the around the Atlantic basin who have demonstrated leadership and initiative in their fields, who want to contribute to shaping the regional and global agenda in politics, finance, business, civil society and many other areas, who are eager to network with their peers and older, and who seek to foster and strengthen ties across the Atlantic are invited to apply.   Application Process The applicants must be between the ages of twenty-three and thirty-five (inclusive) on September 8th 2017, the day the applications for the program open. To be considered, the applicants must be citizens of countries located in Africa, North America, South America, Central America, the European Union or the Caribbean. Furthermore, the applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English and guarantee their availability for the full duration of this five days’ program, which will take place December 11th to 15th, 2017 in Marrakesh, Morocco. Interested applicants should submit a copy of their resumes/ CVs in .pdf format, and a personal...
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Nave à Vela, Brazil

Nave à Vela, Brazil

In 2014, in order to find a sustainable business model for their Innovation Center in the favela Vila Nova Esperança, Caos Focado started a course to teach Social Innovation with a part of the revenues going towards keeping the center running. After the adoption of some schools with this Course, we realized a huge demand to foster innovation at Brazilian schools using maker-spaces. So, we created an institution called Nave à Vela which developed a curriculum to elementary and high schools that engages social emotional learning (soft skills) using engineering, design and entrepreneurship tools inside of makerspaces in the schools. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTohev8NJtg Currently, we have provided our services to more than 20 schools impacting more than 3 thousand students in 2017. Our goal for 2018 is to achieve 15.000 students....
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Meet the new headquarters of LABxS (Lab Santista)

Meet the new headquarters of LABxS (Lab Santista)

  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6StowipH1g[/embedyt] Procomum Institute, one of our GIG associates in Brazil, present the headquarters of LABxS, Lab Santista, the citizen laboratory that is being implemented by them and that articulates a network of people, initiatives and infrastructures to promote the commons in the Baixada Santista region, southeast of Brazil. We are calling  to come together to build this story, so send us ideas for interventions, projects, opinions, money, mistakes and lessons, or even if you just want to talk: - if you are an architect or urban planner or would just like to send intervention ideas so that the space ethically and aesthetically translates the spirit of a cultural center focused on the commons; - if you are an artist, a doer, a curious mind and want to think of some project in here; if you would like to financially support the lab or some specific project; - if you are just a meddler and would like to send your opinions; - if you are part of a...
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The Geography of Innovation Conference provides a forum for discussion to scholars interested in scientific, policy and strategic issues concerning the spatial dimension of innovation activities. In 2018 the conference reaches its fourth edition in Barcelona....
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GIG@re:connecting Europe 2017

GIG@re:connecting Europe 2017

In 2017 the re:publica team came up with an ambitious project to take the idea of re:publica further: Activists, scientists, hackers, entrepreneurs, NGOs, journalists, social media and marketing experts gathered in Dublin and Thessaloniki to debate the future of the information society in Europe. With re:connecting EUROPE, we aim to promote the development of a Europe-wide network of creative industries and push the exchange between the various digital scenes along our North-South axis. The conferences in Dublin and Thessaloniki gave us valuable insights and new perspectives on our interconnected world, which we discussed in-depth with our speakers and visitors. The events also created spaces for a cultural exchange of ideas across our European borders and allowed us to learn more about the issues concerning people on the ground at the re:publica locations. As a global network whose aim is to connect grassroots innovators we were huge fans of the re:connecting events. With the Labmobile already being used as a Mobile Ressource Center by Greece Communitere, GIG was excited to...
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The South Sudan Open Knowledge and Innovation Hub "OPEN HARDWARE GUIDE" #OHG Following up on the 2016 "Let's Go jHUB" programme, in collaboration with icebauhaus e.V. (Weimar, Germany), KAPITAL (Juba, South Sudan) and r0g_agency for open culture gGmbH (Berlin, Germany), the OPEN HARDWARE GUIDE (#OHG) is an outcome of the Open Tech and Repair Skills workshop hosted by Hive Colab in Kampala and the Panyadoli Self-Help Secondary School in Bweyale, Uganda. As a follow-up to the first Open Learning Guide (#OLG) the Open Hardware Guide gives examples of hands-on skills possibilities and projects applying open hardware methodologies. Acting as an introduction to resources and as a tangible tool in the form of a rugged A1 poster for trainers, tinkerers and facilitators, the #OHG is ready for distribution to anyone interested in exploring open technologies in a very practical way. The #OHG content was developed by the workshop participants based on their designs and documented steps, and accompanied the development of the...
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IDDS Construyendo Paz

Location: Las Colinas, Guaviare, Colombia  INSCRIPCIONES ORGANIZADORES - abierta hasta 15 de septiembre 2017. INSCRIPCIONES PARTICIPANTES - abierta hasta 10 de octubre 2017. Recientemente el estado colombiano firmó un acuerdo de paz con las FARC-EP (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia –Ejército del Pueblo), que fue uno de los principales grupos guerrilleros que operó en el país durante más de 50 años. El proceso en este momento está en fase de implementación. Es así como las zonas veredales desaparecieron a partir del 15 de agosto, para convertirse en Espacios Territoriales de Capacitación y Reincorporación (ETCR), siendo los lugares donde inicialmente se concentraron los excombatientes que se acogieron al proceso de paz, ahora denominados reincorporados. Este proceso de paz tiene algunos sectores importantes del país que no están satisfechos con los acuerdos firmados, por lo que desde la Universidad Nacional de Colombia consideramos importante contribuir a consolidar este logro que marca la historia nacional de los últimos años, mediante acciones concretas. Motivo por el cual se...
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