Bett – Creating a better future by transforming education

Bett is the first industry show of the year in the education technology landscape, bringing together 850 leading companies, 103 exciting new edtech start ups and over 34,700 attendees (131 countries represented) from the global education community, that come together to celebrate, find inspiration and discuss the future of education, as well as the role technology and innovation plays in enabling all educators and learners to thrive. ...
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Mobile Learning Week

Co-organized by UNESCO and UNHCR, Mobile Learning Week 2017 was held under the theme ‘Education in emergencies and crises’ from 20 to 24 March in Paris. The event examined how new and affordable technologies can help: Strengthen inclusion in education Preserve the continuity of learning in conflict and disaster contexts Open and enrich learning opportunities for refugees and other displaced people Facilitate the integration of learners in new schools and communities Catalyze innovation in the education sector and improve the impact of humanitarian interventions This website contains content shared at Mobile Learning Week and rich descriptions of the 100+ presentations delivered during the conference. As additional follow-up, UNESCO is completing a publication entitled 'Mobile Learning for Refugees' which is expected to be released late 2017. The dates for MLW2018 have been set for 26-30 March 2018. Please check the UNESCO MLW website in the fall of 2017 for details....
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Kathmandu Mini Maker Faire Nepal

SAVE the DATE: Nepal Communitere will be hosting the next Kathmandu Mini Makerfaire showcasing Humanitarian Makers to take place in Sep. 2018 – either the 22 & 23. Let us know if you plan to be there and which dates you prefer. If you have leads on international sponsors/funders to help cover travel for global makers to share their work, let Bahar know. ...
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Call for support to humanitarian makers

Call for support to humanitarian makers

Cyclones in the Caribbean. Earthquakes in Mexico. Floods in Nepal & India. Refugee crisis in Bangladesh. Cholera in Yemen. Crisis in Syria. Near-famine around Lake Chad Basin and South Sudan. There is a lot of urgent humanitarian relief to provide right now. Field Ready would like to ask the GIG community: Promote the Humanitarian Makers community so that we can respond more quickly. Ask your networks to visit to sign up and tell us what skills you can share. If you know people who would like to support makers in disaster relief work, please ask them to donate to our response to the cyclones in the Caribbean at Field Ready featuring iLab Haiti and Haiti Communitere On September 27, 2017, Field Ready was featured on CBS Chicago regarding their hurricane relief deployment....
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Depois de uma edição histórica em 2016, encerramos o#ColaborAmerica com uma certeza: VEM 2017! E 2017 veio. Desta vez, um dos principais festivais das novas economias da América Latina será 100% gratuito, com um time maior e mais diverso de curadoria e a vontade cada vez mais intensa em debater, vivenciar e reaprender novos olhares sobre nossa sociedade, economia e planeta. Marca na sua agenda, confirma presença e convida mais gente pra fazer parte do movimento! Nos vemos nos dias 23, 24 e 25 de novembro, na Zona Portuária do Rio de Janeiro!...
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Global Science, Technology & Innovation Conference

Global Science, Technology & Innovation Conference - integrated technological solutions linked to decision making for sustainability. October 23-25 in Brussels. Might be of interest to some of you ! Topics include urban, water, energy, circular economy, and more! Submit an innovation - HERE - deadline extended to Sept. 8 to have travel/admissions covered. Also, opportunities to apply as speakers and many discount codes for free access to the conference that we've been able to get form the organizers. Deadline Sept. 15. ...
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PitchDrive in Berlin: A visit from Africa’s top 14 Startups

PitchDrive in Berlin: A visit from Africa’s top 14 Startups

Africa is at the start of a technological renaissance. Last year, it was estimated that African startups raised a record-breaking total of $366.8 million in investment, with the top 10 destinations being Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Cote d’Ivoire, Tanzania, Egypt, Ghana, Senegal, Morocco, Tunisia and Uganda. The PitchDrive competition selected 14 of Africa’s top startups to go on a tour through Europe to raise capital and awareness. PitchDrive is organized by the Nigerian innovation space CcHUB, powered by Google for Entrepreneurs. PitchDrive is a tour through exciting tech cities in Europe (London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Zurich and Paris) to pitch to investors, explore international opportunities and learn about frontier technology markets. On Wednesday August 23rd the startups came to Berlin to meet investors and actors of the local ecosystem. They were hosted by GIG the Global Innovation Gathering, an international organization that supports exchange between innovators from across the world. In cooperation with the PitchDrive team from CCHub, GIG organized the group's...
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Wearable technology for empowerment

Wearable technology for empowerment

GIG member Rebeca Duque Estrada is a co-founder of Olabi Makerspace in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and gave a presentation on tech wearables at the TEDx IE Madrid this June. Rebeca takes us through her own and amazing experience with tech wearables and its incredible capability of empowerment and communication. Rebeca Duque Estrada is a Brazilian architect and maker based in Berlin. She is project coordinator for Olabi Makerspace, where she has developed courses and methodologies that open access to technology through meaningful experiences, combining high-tech with craft techniques, wearables technology and bio-materials. Her latest project called Wearable as Manifest explores the potential of wearables as an element that goes beyond glowing and conveys a message....
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PitchDrive Berlin

PitchDrive by CcHUB, powered by Google for Entrepreneurs, will engage 14 of Africa’s top tech start-ups on a tour of tech hubs in Europe (London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Zurich and Paris) to pitch to investors, explore international opportunities and learn about frontier technology markets. [Read more on our blog post] The PitchDrive Berlin event is hosted by the Global Innovation Gathering and kindly supported by GIZ Tech Entrepreneurship Initiative ‘Make-IT in Africa’, Impact Hub Berlin and Enpact. Location: Friedrichstraße 246, 10969 Berlin Time: 3pm – 6pm We look forward to seeing you soon in Berlin!   >> Register     ...
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