DOTS 2019

DOTS – The Impact Summit | 5-7 December | Nakuru, Kenya SYSTEMIC PROBLEMS > COLLABORATIVE SOLUTIONS Climate change, economic inequality and political divisions are only becoming more pressing challenges in […]

Open Science for Peacebuilding

Open science offers the means to develop and build tools to help us overcome conflicts (e.g. water sensors in dry regions and seasons). Open science and data literacy equip us […]

Sustainable Making

Read about the Session Outcomes over at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance and on our blog! Globally, two major challenges face us and future generations: Climate change driven by unsustainable consumption, […]

Peace Hack MENA 2017

During Peace Hack MENA the ‘Art of hosting technique’s’ will be applied as a general framework for the camp to enable a collaborative process with all participants. With their cross-cutting expertise of open source tools, ICT, media among others, all participating hubs will be able to discuss and show how these expertises can enable community interaction, shared ownership, and the co-creation of solutions to social challenges.