Re:publica ’21 Sessions GIG – DDMP

Re:publica Sessions GIG – DDMP We are excited to announce that this year the Global Innovation Gathering will be hosting a pre-publica programme on May 20th together with the Distributed...
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News from Instituto Procomum – May 2021

Publication discusses the role of art in the crisis (UN)Farm: The End Of The World As We Know is a publication that compiles the thinking of 15 artists, activists and...
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a hand-drawn map with stickies representing gig members' home locations

What is CoAct?

Co-designing Citizen Social Science for Collective ActionCoAct is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. CoAct is proposing a new understanding of Citizen Social...
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Citizen-led data journalism from Brazil’s favelas fills historical information gap

Citizen-led data journalism from Brazil’s favelas fills historical information gap: while the favela communities may be ignored by the government, a local organisation, Data Labe, is using the power of...
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Join Global Scale Up X – a new community for female entrepreneurs to connect, be empowered, and scale up!

“Join Global Scale Up X – a new community for female entrepreneurs to connect, be empowered, and scale up!” Founded by MIT D-Lab and Inclusive Business Action Network, Global Scale...
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Internet of Production launches Open Know-Where to help share data about manufacturing capabilities online.

A pioneering data model has been launched that will enable a consistent way of documenting and sharing information about manufacturing capabilities. “Open Know-Where” will make it easier for anyone to...
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r0g launches the #MMN Migrant Media Network Field Guide

The #MMN initiative is proud to announce the launch of its new #MMN Migrant Media Network Field Guide kit!   In 2019 #MMN developed the first Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation...
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Olabi launches a project to empower and engage seniors through technology.

In May of this year, Olabi held the second edition of “Aprenda com uma avó”. The project was created in 2020 to be exclusively face-to-face, but its activities were adapted...
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Careables: new video online!

Careables supports all the communities around the world that want to find, share, implement, and create open healthcare solutions that are impactful and inspiring on the local level. After two...
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r0g_agency: Discussions On Migration, Open Technology, and Hate Speech

As part of the Disruption Network Lab’s focus on Borders of Fear, the r0g_agency’s #migrantmedianetwork hosted a session in October that centered on questions of migration from African countries to...
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LAB Procomum: Memórias, Narrativas e Tecnologias negras da Baixada Santista

LAB Procomum is launching an action-research to highlight the role of the black population of Santos-SP. The LAB Procomum citizen laboratory is located in Santos-SP, a coastal city and the largest port in...
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Four Careables members have been chosen as Global Community Bio Fellows!

We are proud of our Careables members that were chosen for the Global Community Bio Fellowship 2020! Some of our lovely Careables members were chosen for the Global Community Bio Fellowship 2020...
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