Building Bridges: Exploring the Impactful Partnership Between GIG and re:publica

Building Bridges: Exploring the Impactful Partnership Between GIG and re:publica

The partnership between the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) and re:publica shows what happens when people from all over the world come together to share ideas. This relationship has turned a simple proposal into an exciting annual event that connects and inspires innovators globally. In this article, we'll explore how GIG and re:publica started working together, highlight the key moments from their events, and discuss the impact on the community. We will also recognize the supporters who keep this partnership thriving and look ahead to future projects. The Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) is a dynamic network where social and technological innovators tackle global challenges through grassroots solutions. By organizing events, workshops, and collaborative projects, GIG promotes technology, innovation, and community engagement, enabling practical solutions that make a lasting difference. During the upcoming GIGweek24 in Berlin, participants will experience a blend of connection, education, and creativity. The event will kick off with a welcoming session and quickly transition to insightful talks and interactive workshops....
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re:publica 24

re:publica 24

re:publica 24 will take place from 27-29 May 2024 at STATION Berlin. The motto for this years’ festival for the digital society is “Who Cares?”. Since 2014 the Makerspace at re:publica has been a meeting point for creative minds, designers, inventors and coders from the maker scene at re:publica. Anyone interested in digital fabrication, laser cutting, tinkering or soldering is very welcome at the Makerspace! Together with you, we want to create a space for creativity and the exchange of knowledge. Join other participants and create something new for our digital future. We develop robots together, make a statement flag or a paper GIF, work on a sustainable biotech future with medical open source devices or design boats out of plastic waste. The Makerspace is curated and coordinated by Global Innovation Gathering e.V. and with support from the Distributed Design Market Platform, co-funded by the framework programme “Creative Europe ” of the European Union. ...
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Algorithmic discrimination in Brazil

Algorithmic discrimination in Brazil

By Ricardo Ruiz and Felipe Fonseca, originally published at Brigston's Institute Action to Activism research blog. Digital technologies are increasingly used worldwide to mediate social dynamics, manage access to rights and ensure participation in economic life. However, the way such technologies are created has blind spots, sometimes literally. There is not enough discussion about the extent to which a digital infrastructure embeds discriminatory and racist assumptions when developed and deployed critically. Racism is a pervasive and complex problem. Even though it appears in very diverse forms in different societies, its effects are felt by populations everywhere. The public discussion about the topic can benefit from innovative and engaging ways to make visible the intricate tension between ethnicity, class, economy and power. These questions motivated the creation of a co-design lab in partnership between the University of Bristol, Berlin-based Global Innovation Gathering and other collaborators. The lab focuses on algorithmic discrimination in Brazil, following a series of previous collaborations. It is part of the...
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The Pulse of Global Innovation: A Closer Look at the Annual GIG Gathering

The Pulse of Global Innovation: A Closer Look at the Annual GIG Gathering

Every year, the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) in Berlin becomes a focal point for global innovators, thinkers, and creators. Since its inception at the re:publica conference in 2013, GIG has become an essential annual event for those involved in Global South innovation, open source technologies, and community building. The Concept and Evolution of GIG The GIG, which typically coincides with the re:publica conference dates each year in Berlin, was not initially planned to be an annual event; However, the overwhelming response from the initial participants turned it into a yearly occurrence. Over the years, GIG has seen a wide range of activities, including insightful talks, workshops, and hands-on sessions in makerspaces, designed to foster collaboration and the exchange of ideas across cultures and disciplines.  How It Happens This multi-day event, taking place in the dynamic city of Berlin, features a series of workshops, discussions, and hands-on activities. It's a unique opportunity for the GIG family to come together in person, fostering connections and sharing...
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Introducing the GIGctionary: Your Ultimate Guide to Navigating the World of GIG

Introducing the GIGctionary: Your Ultimate Guide to Navigating the World of GIG

In GIG, we say many things; we talk about innovation, technology co-creation, and much more. Sometimes, we even invent our own words! As someone might say, we're often "GIGing it," managing to do something despite the difficulties one might face in the process (because we are a part of GIG). As we grow as a team and a network, many times people who join our community are lost with all these vocabularies that are new and unfamiliar to them. What are “open-source technologies”? What do we mean by “digital innovation” or “active citizenship”? All these questions have led to an idea being born: the creation of our very own, personalized dictionary called “GIGctionary”. What better way for someone to understand our network and what we do than by having a handbook they can refer to when needed?! So, we invite you all to co-create this GIGctionary together because who is more familiar with what GIG does than its own members?! Below, you will...
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24/7 – BER conference

24/7 – BER conference

Berlin Globally Fair – Changing the city together BER and its members have been working together around the clock for years on the vision of One World City Berlin, a globally just, anti-racist and sustainable city. We are guided by the question: How do we change our city together? With this question, we are committed to a development policy that, together with actors in the city, aims to reduce global injustices that are characterized by racism, capitalism, patriarchy and colonialism. We would like to invite you to discuss strategies for a transformed city with us and to be inspired by good examples and alliances from practice. Our aim is – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – to think about global justice and to strengthen grassroots democracy, decolonization, fair economics and South-North partnerships in urban society.At the conference we want to discuss in two specialist panels and gain ideas for practice, strengthen alliances and share knowledge in different workshop formats. Here you will find...
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IGF 2024: Building our Multistakeholder Digital FutureIGF 2024

IGF 2024: Building our Multistakeholder Digital FutureIGF 2024

The 19th IGF on "Building our Multistakeholder Digital Future" will be held at the King Abdulaziz International Conference Center (KAICC) in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 15 to 19 December 2024. The programme is being shaped according to the four main themes:  Harnessing innovation and balancing risks in the digital space Enhancing the digital contribution to peace, development, and sustainability Advancing human rights and inclusion in the digital age Improving digital governance for the Internet We Want The IGF's traditional calls for session proposals will be made in March.  Stay tuned for more details! ...
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GIGweek24: The Power of Networks | Community Day, Berlin.

GIGweek24: The Power of Networks | Community Day, Berlin.

GIGweek24 is an invitation to connect. As part of it, all GIG members are invited to the yearly community day in Berlin, bringing together our global community of innovators, thinkers, and creators to explore “The Power of Networks”. It's a place where ideas meet action, facilitated by the rich diversity of our participants. Here’s What to Expect: The community day is a barcamp day and hosts parallel roundtables, presentations and workshops proposed by the GIG members as well as the General Assembly of the Global Innovation Gathering association. Why Attend? "The Power of Networks" isn't just our theme; it's our belief. In today’s world, strength of connections has a direct impact on defining the impact of work. The GIGweek24 is about building those connections—professionally, creatively, globally. The community day is by invitation only. You feel like you should be part of the Global Innovation Gathering? Reach out to hi [at] and tell us why you want to join the event week. On...
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GIGweek24: The Power of Networks | Conference Day, Berlin.

GIGweek24: The Power of Networks | Conference Day, Berlin.

GIGweek24 is an invitation to connect. As part of it, we invite you to a one day conference in Berlin, bringing together our global community of innovators, thinkers, and creators with likeminded people from organizations in Germany and Europe to explore “The Power of Networks”. It's a place where ideas meet action, facilitated by the rich diversity of our participants. Here’s What to Expect: The conference day kicks off with a welcome address, quickly moving into parallel roundtables and workshops, designed to foster collaboration and learning. Why Attend? "The Power of Networks" isn't just our theme; it's our belief. In today’s world, strength of connections has a direct impact on defining the impact of work. The GIGweek24 is about building those connections—professionally, creatively, globally. We welcome you on Friday, 31st May in the center of Berlin. Join through “registering to attend” or simply “save the event” to your calendar. Let’s make the GIGweek24 a place where every handshake feels like a hug, where...
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GIGweek24: The Power of Networks

GIGweek24: The Power of Networks

GIGweek24 is an invitation to connect. Throughout a week in Berlin, bringing together our global community of innovators, thinkers, and creators. It's a place where ideas meet action, facilitated by the rich diversity of our participants. Here’s What to Expect: The week kicks off with an informal welcome, quickly moving into the heart of innovation at re:publica - where the activities would range from insightful talks to hands-on workshops in the Makerspace, designed to foster collaboration and learning. Why Attend? "The Power of Networks" isn't just our theme; it's our belief. In today’s world, strength of connections has a direct impact on defining the impact of work. GIGweek24 is about building those connections—professionally, creatively, globally. The full GIGweek24 is by invitation only! Feeling like you should be part of the Global Innovation Gathering? Reach out to - hi[at]globalinnovationgathering[dot]org - and share why you want to join the event week. Let’s make GIGweek24 a place where every handshake feels like a hug, where every idea...
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