I just arrived this week back home from my last visit to Berlin, attending to this year’s editions of re:publica and the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) Network annual meeting. This is my […]
“We are what we create together” re:publica #18 is happening again and we are excited that a vibrant, diverse community of innovators joined for the 6th Global Innovation Gathering (GIG). […]
In the past two years we have been developing human-centered formats for teaching the contents and especially the new transformative components of the SDGs to policy makers that work for […]
The year 2017 was the growth and consolidation of the Procomum Institute in Santos, on the coast of São Paulo, Brazil. We are working as a network in the construction […]
Our GIG colleagues Vicy, Jaiksana, Stephen and Jo made their way to Kumasi, Ghana to attend the very first Open Science Hardware summit in Africa: AfircaOSH. The event is being hosted at Kumasi […]
In 2016, several GIG members came together to launch the MakerNet Consortium. Starting with a pilot project in Kenya, MakerNet explored how products needed for development and humanitarian purposes can […]
data_labe is becoming an independent NGO. The lab, wich is part of GIG, is understanding how to be a civil and tech organization at the delicate moment for favela’s dwellers […]
Thanks to a GIG meeting during re:publica 2016, Chinmayi SK and I met some folks from giz who funded the development of our Atlas of Innovation Spaces. With some mapping […]
#ThinkB4UClick (Think Before You Click) is an awareness campaign that aims at pointing out the dangers of misinformation, fake news and hate speech with a focus on South Sudan. Over […]
Digitologias Belo Jardim A 3-months conference (Oct 27 – Dec 19, 2017) in Belo Jardim, Northeast Brazil had the aim to collect and manage water and sanitation data on the city of Belo Jardim […]