Nepal Communitere held a 2 day Human-Centered Design masterclass for our new I-Cube business incubation program cohort of young Nepali entrepreneurs on Dec. 19th & 20th. The launch and HCD workshop was […]
Nepal Communitere held a 2 day Human-Centered Design masterclass for our new I-Cube business incubation program cohort of young Nepali entrepreneurs on Dec. 19th & 20th, 2017. The launch and HCD workshop […]
We finished 2017 with the first GIG meeting in Latin America. The gathering happened at ColaborAmerica, one of the biggest festivals in new economies in the continent, that took place […]
In 2014, in order to find a sustainable business model for their Innovation Center in the favela Vila Nova Esperança, Caos Focado started a course to teach Social Innovation with a […]
[embedyt][/embedyt] Procomum Institute, one of our GIG associates in Brazil, present the headquarters of LABxS, Lab Santista, the citizen laboratory that is being implemented by them and that […]
The South Sudan Open Knowledge and Innovation Hub “OPEN HARDWARE GUIDE” #OHG Following up on the 2016 “Let’s Go jHUB” programme, in collaboration with icebauhaus e.V. (Weimar, Germany), KAPITAL (Juba, […]
Cyclones in the Caribbean. Earthquakes in Mexico. Floods in Nepal & India. Refugee crisis in Bangladesh. Cholera in Yemen. Crisis in Syria. Near-famine around Lake Chad Basin and South Sudan. […]
GIG member Rebeca Duque Estrada is a co-founder of Olabi Makerspace in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and gave a presentation on tech wearables at the TEDx IE Madrid this June. Rebeca takes […]
PitchDrive by CcHUB, powered by Google for Entrepreneurs, will engage 14 of Africa’s top tech start-ups on a tour of tech hubs in Europe (London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Zurich and Paris) […]
GIG member Aphrodice Foyo Mutangana is the general manager at kLab Rwanda. In a recent Medium article he explains the importance and impact of ICT for children and youth. Coding at a […]