Exploring identity and contesting racism through games: a co-design lab in Brazil

Exploring identity and contesting racism through games: a co-design lab in Brazil

Racism is a pervasive and complex problem, affecting individuals and societies differently. How can we address this issue creatively and engagingly? How can we use games for empowerment, awareness, and education? These questions motivated a co-design lab in Brazil in a partnership between GIG and the University of Bristol and its collaborators. The co-design lab is part of the project Contesting Algorithmic Racism in Brazil, funded by the AHRC Impact Acceleration Fund. The project explores the cultural responses to racism embedded in data and digital technologies, such as algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The project also seeks to create games and other interactive online resources that challenge and address algorithmic bias in Brazil. Date: 2008 - 2012.Location: Piscinao de Ramos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Description: Black man uses sunblock cream on his arms over a chess board in front of a glass with beer at Ramos Public Swimming Pool. Credit: Julio Bittencourt The co-design lab consists of online workshops with...
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Vulca Seminar 2023 | Learning Networks

Vulca Seminar 2023 | Learning Networks

About Vulca Seminar Vulca Seminars were created as a following step of Vulca Tours, enabling the makers’ community to interconnect with each other, deepening the sense of belonging to the community VULCA is developing. Through Seminars, we want to emphasise different makers’ communities in Europe. Each year, our seminar is organised in a different place and country in Europe, and topics are adapted based on key efforts of the welcoming community. Seminars are open to everyone who thinks the maker movement makes a positive impact and we want to encourage everyone (makers, hackers, researchers, …) to meet and discuss with each other. 6th EDITION (already) Previous editions of VULCA Seminar brought us to several European countries such as France, Poland or Portugal. In 2023 VULCA community will be reunited in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We visited Slovenia in 2017, meeting Kreator Lab in Maribor, and then Zavod 404, Poligon and Rog Lab in Ljubljana. Years after, we kept relations with some of them through different projects and events. 2023 is the right moment to organise something together, and the new CENTER...
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AfriLabs2023 | Accelerate Africa’s Digital Economy

AfriLabs2023 | Accelerate Africa’s Digital Economy

The AfriLabs Annual Gathering is a transformative event in Africa’s tech and entrepreneurial ecosystem, uniting visionaries, governments, startups, investors, policymakers, and world-class thought leaders to drive sustainable growth and innovation on the continent. The one of a kind global event, celebrates African ingenuity offering a world-class platform for collaboration and co-creation of solutions for the diverse socio-economic for challenges across the continent. Emphasizing inclusivity and creativity, the Gathering inspires and showcases multi-faceted innovations to generate a positive global impact. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and networking, participants nurture new ideas, partnerships and aspirations for sustainable interventions. This catalytic event propels Africa’s journey towards a prosperous future, empowering communities, creating jobs, and uplifting lives through the power of technology, collaboration, inter-government relationships, entrepreneurship and policy. Learn more about the event and AfriLabs here: https://afrilabsgathering.com/ ...
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Celebrating three years of CoAct: Ending Cycles

Celebrating three years of CoAct: Ending Cycles

During the last 36 months, the Global Innovation Gathering helped CoAct project deliver Citizen Social Science concepts and practices to more than 1,6 million people, using a wide range of communication strategies and tools, combined with intense resilience and creativity during the COVID-19 pandemic.  CoAct (Co-designing Citizen Social Science for Collective Action) proposes a radically new approach to facing global social issues by engaging vulnerable citizens as co-researchers. The strategy represents a new account of Citizen Social Science, understood here as participatory research co-designed and directly driven by citizen groups sharing a social concern. CoAct's research approach, where citizen groups and their problems are at the core of the research questions, requires translating those attributes for its communicative and dissemination activities. Furthermore, CoAct's shared values - Inclusiveness, Horizontality, Equity, Trust and Respect, Open Science, Co-ownership, Empowerment, and Reflexivity - underlined the direction and structure of CoAct's communication, dissemination and exploitation Work Package, led by the Global Innovation Gathering inside a consortium partnership. The first year...
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Join our 4th CoAct hangout 2022 – Practices to overcome false representation in participatory processes

Join our 4th CoAct hangout 2022 – Practices to overcome false representation in participatory processes

On August 25 we will meet for the 4th out of 5 hangouts. This time we will discuss what is required to fully open the black-box of participation and overcome the common practice of false representation.  “It is important to differentiate levels of participation, acknowledge that participation in international collaboration is often characterised by false representation since it is like a black box if people on the ground do not have access to the real knowledge of the project. We need to work towards opening this black-box in order to truly speak about participation with people from the margins.” Join us for a vibrant discussion! Register now to join the event Please register via this form and you will receive the link to the hangout via email on the day of the event. The Global Innovation Gathering is a consortium member of the Horizon 2020 project ‘CoAct – Co-Creating a Citizen Social Science Approach’. Within CoAct, one of our goals is to foster a critical debate, addressing...
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ECSA 2022 Conference: Citizen Science for Planetary Health

ECSA 2022 Conference: Citizen Science for Planetary Health

Photo by Florian Wehde on Unsplash Why “Citizen Science for Planetary Health”? Because the health of our planet is at risk. To preserve and support the well-being of all life on Earth, we need the commitment and efforts of everyone – policy makers, the public, business, science and research. Citizen science offers effective and innovative ways to do transdisciplinary research and influence decision-making in multiple areas and ways. Citizen science is particularly suited to connect diverse fields and diverse actors in the common endeavour of collaborating in research.The concept of planetary health is based on the understanding that human health and human civilization depend on thriving natural systems and the sustainable stewardship of those natural systems. This demands not only knowledge, commitment and engagement of health and environmental sciences, but inter- and transdisciplinary efforts from all research fields and societal and political actors. The ECSA 2022 Conference invites researchers from all disciplines, civil society actors, citizen scientists, policy decision-makers and all interested in the topic in...
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Join our monthly hangouts shaping a gloCal Citizen Social Science Approach

Join our monthly hangouts shaping a gloCal Citizen Social Science Approach

GIG, in its role as CoAct consortium member, strives to contribute to the shaping of this approach with a global bottom-up perspective on how Science should/is be thought of and addressed, and how inclusive bottom-up practices are enabled, in most diverse contexts around the world. Building on a series of hangouts, webinars, and other conversations we hosted over the last two years, we concluded in 5 key leading topics. In 2022 we will Host one hangout per topic and invite you to join the conversationCo-write an open publication and invite you to co-author [more info here] as our contribution to the shaping of an inclusive Citizen Social Science approach! Join our Hangouts! During the hangouts we will have a vibrant conversation around one topic at a time. We will also provide information regarding the co-writing and answer questions to everyone who is interested to co-author with us! April 21: Locally driven protocols and local traditions in ScienceMay 19: The ownership of ScienceJune 23: Decolonizing our educational/institutional...
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